View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Holiday Weekend Report.....

09-07-2015, 04:32 PM
What can I say? How can I sugar coat it and make us all feel good about the fishing since Friday? I got it, CRAP!! For those who need a daily report because there were none: FRIDAY, Nasty, came home after half a day....CRAP! Saturday, ocean nasty...CRAP! Sunday, more of the same CRAP and today, Well I'll let you fill in the blank's.

We did catch a few keepers and some shorts, fished several area's, snags and hard bottom. Pool fish went to Anna today with a nice 5 pound Fluke. Couple guys had a fish or too but it was still a tough day (or Day's), too say the least....Back to give it hell tomorrow. But for tonight, after this weekend, A new bottle of 15 year Old Highland Park! Forget the Fingers......:D

Capt. Ron

09-07-2015, 04:42 PM
What ya gonna do Capt you can't control $h!t conditions.
When does Fluke shut down?
Fishing down here has not been so good water temp. back bay 92.
Things will get good in a few weeks. say hi to Capt.Sr. I miss the egg sandwiches

09-07-2015, 05:13 PM
I think I've come home 3 times this season saying what a great day. Otherwise this fluke "fishing" ruins my vibes. Made up my mind after this horrible weekend I'm not wasting fuel on them anymore..time to get striper gear in order and wait..good luck captain Ron, love the honest reports, you're the only party boat I root for lol.

09-07-2015, 05:50 PM
Thanks for sugar coating the report. I fished down the beach today, water was Crap brown you couldn't see the fish until it was on top.

Hopefully it will get better once the water settles, see you soon.

Fin Reaper
09-08-2015, 06:38 AM
The real kick in the onions will be when we get told next season that we over fished the fluke :rolleyes:

09-08-2015, 07:49 AM
Don't worry... you're not the ONLY ONE scratching your head this whole summer... it's been a whacko fluke season :(

shrimpman steve
09-08-2015, 08:08 AM
A for effort and A+ for honesty