View Full Version : brigantine jetty

09-04-2015, 10:02 PM
Headed down to Brigantine Sunday morning. Was going to hit the jetty before taking care of business. Does anyone know if there is anything going on? Was going to pack light and see if I can pick up some spot or kings on bloodworms. Don't know if the tides will cooperate on Sunday morn

09-05-2015, 08:55 AM
we just came back from their yeterday, you will have dead low at 7 or so then incoming till 1pm they have been getting Fluke on Sand eels and bright gulb and kingfish at slack tide with worms and clams,, thats what I heard at the fuel dock if this helps

09-05-2015, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the Intel. Hearing it's real windy down there this morning. Hopefully it settles down tomorrow.