View Full Version : Tuna-Tic Canyon Report for the past few weeks

09-04-2015, 07:47 PM
We started or offshore season on Aug 15th with the Rob Swiney Charter. The blue water NE of the Carteret Canyon was loaded with marlin and we managed to raise over a dozen and boated a white for everyone on the charter for a picture. (all were released)
Looking for better Tuna water we ran the the Hudson on 8/18 with Darren and Eric (2 man charter) who did a bang up job catching 4 Bigeyes and a Sword two of which were 70" fish. Great anglers with great technique fought fish for a total of over 5 hours.
On 8/21 we ran to the Lindy trying to avoid the crowd in the Hudson and did manage 1 large Bigeye before the NE wind cranked up and sent us home early.
On the 24th we ran back to the Lindy looking for better fishing now that the blow was over but could only manage a few Marlin bites.
Back to the Hudson mess the next day to Grab 2 Eyeballs before dark and a dead night on the west side.
August 28th started the day Tile fishing catching 18 several over 20 pounds. Made the move to the Bigeye grounds and held a mad dog Yellowfin bite for a couple hours catching 18 to 70 pounds and topped it off with a 72" Bigeye (250 pound class).
Were not going tomorrow (Saturday) because of weather. But We might do an open boat trip Sunday-Monday if Sunday morning gets better. If interested give me a call. Thanks, Capt. Mike

09-04-2015, 11:33 PM
WOW !!!!! Really nice !!!

09-05-2015, 01:03 AM
Wow, great stuff!