View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Friday Report

captain george angler
09-04-2015, 06:16 PM
We had a few fish in the ocean before the wind came on. The drift was very fast and you needed a lot of weight to hold. We retreated to the bay where it was calmer but no fish and we called it an early day. big Mike had a nice 6 pound fluke to take the pool and Dan scored a couple. After yesterdays no drift we had to much today.

NOT SAILING TOMORROW SATURDAY. NOAA is calling for 15 to 20 with gusts to 25 and 4 to 6 foot seas. We will wait till Sunday when we should have a much better chance to catch some fish.

Thanks captain George

captain george angler
09-05-2015, 01:09 PM
Just a reminder the big pool is $3790 and a ten pound fluke gets half tomorrow and Monday. After labor day the pool runs till the last day of the fluke season with the biggest winning and no ten pound clause.

7:00 AM every day.

Thanks captain George