View Full Version : TnT Flat Fish Chew down.. 9-2 / 9-3

broken bobber
09-04-2015, 01:00 PM
got out today FINALLY with Motorhead Ant,his wife Lynn, and their neighbor George Hamilton.... Guys the fish have the feed bag ON... Mohawked the crap out of them out in the deep, at first short to keeper ratio was 5-1 but progressively got better... biggest went just over 6 with more than a few 5's, and guess what... ya don't have to run 30 miles to get them.... filled our limits and will make a return tomorrow before the front comes on Friday...

Fished today with an old friend..American Barrister Richard Kress...headed to where we smoked them yesterday and of coarse it was like night and day....got our 2 man limit to 5 lbs but had to fight off WAY to many short fish... OK only thing that may have hampered the bite was the south current which was none existent yesterday.. Good day on the water with Rich sharing stories and good times past...look forward to having him aboard again

bunker dunker
09-04-2015, 01:18 PM
way to go bobber,id say dialed in for sure

shrimpman steve
09-04-2015, 03:49 PM
Very nice!