View Full Version : ~*~ Fishermen 09-02-15 Night Stripers Report ~*~

09-03-2015, 07:42 AM
Don't usually post in salt since being a sweet water guy don't go out as much but with captain Dan and crew on Fishermen is a sin not to go.

Once again big big thank you for th captain working his magic yet aain and putting us all on the fish yet again. While fish was not numerous, the size made them all count and with experience captain and crew I think we lost only one throughout the whole night.

Sal, Harry (sorry kept on messing up your name) and rest of the guys, as always big pleasure to fish with you.

Sal had a pool winner with a 38lbs absolute beast of the fish. He quickly changed all the rules of the game and followed it up with a beast of the ray that made him work every bit of his magic to bring him to surface.

Last but not least congratulations to by friend Vahtang on his first ever salt water trip that turned out to be a one he wont soon forget. A nice 32lbs was hauled in by him.

Some pictures below and Harry feel free to piggyback on the thread and add yours.

Harry with his beast:


Sals ray:

My friends Vahtang beast:

And to compare first fish of the night(my) and last fish of the night(vahtang):

Thanks all. Let your lines be tight and your fish be numerous.


09-03-2015, 08:13 AM
Way to go Andre and friends. Looks like another successful night trip on the Fishermen. Some really big Stripers coming to the rails! Very nice!!!

09-03-2015, 10:15 AM
WTG great catch, thanks for the report.
No spot burning just wondering if in the bay or out in the ocean?

09-03-2015, 10:21 AM
Wow, Capt. Dan Continues to work his magic, gonna have to sneak out on the wife and hit the Fishermen again get another one under the belt there.

09-03-2015, 10:32 AM

All credit should go to the Captain and crew. Our job was easy, just to hook them in timely matter while they worked their ass of to make sure we had that opportunity.

No time to think about it, just go.


09-03-2015, 11:17 AM

Thanks for posting my picture there it was a pleasure fishing with you and your buddies. What a great group of guys and girls. You started the trouble by catching the first fish and I didn't think you were gonna let anything pass by me. LOL It was a great night a lot of big fish some guys did well and some guys didn't catch but the best part was at the end of the night they all went home with a dinner. Me 28 pounder, Sal 38 pounder and Matt 37 pounder gave the fish away to make sure everybody has dinner because we caught them on Monday and we will catch them again tonight. Capt. Dan he's the best if they are biting he will put you on the fish.
Hope to see all you guys soon.....

09-03-2015, 12:46 PM

Harry you know the dark side of the boat always works.

It seems like from last week the weight of the fish is just shooting up. If a 28lbs last week would put you in a money this week it wont bring you even close.

That 50 lbs is coming buddy I can feel it.


09-03-2015, 01:57 PM

Harry you know the dark side of the boat always works.

It seems like from last week the weight of the fish is just shooting up. If a 28lbs last week would put you in a money this week it wont bring you even close.

That 50 lbs is coming buddy I can feel it.


LOL.....Yes sir!!!

09-03-2015, 02:28 PM
Does anyone know if they are running a night trip this weekend on sunday night or on monday night?

09-03-2015, 03:00 PM
Does anyone know if they are running a night trip this weekend on sunday night or on monday night?

Monday to Saturday 6:30 to 11:30.

09-03-2015, 04:43 PM

Thanks for posting my picture there it was a pleasure fishing with you and your buddies. What a great group of guys and girls. You started the trouble by catching the first fish and I didn't think you were gonna let anything pass by me. LOL It was a great night a lot of big fish some guys did well and some guys didn't catch but the best part was at the end of the night they all went home with a dinner. Me 28 pounder, Sal 38 pounder and Matt 37 pounder gave the fish away to make sure everybody has dinner because we caught them on Monday and we will catch them again tonight. Capt. Dan he's the best if they are biting he will put you on the fish.
Hope to see all you guys soon.....

i need to see Sol with his 38lb!

09-03-2015, 04:52 PM
Monday to Saturday 6:30 to 11:30.sol with a 38lb what a night boys i need to see he picture, he blocked out your face harry.
sorry i could not get out maybe by next week this surgeon just about killed me, i just started walking again.

Capt Sal
09-03-2015, 06:38 PM
Bit shorter ride then Montauk. Some good fish with nice pics.

09-04-2015, 07:59 AM
Sal's 38 lb and big ray.