09-02-2015, 11:20 AM
Forked River Tuna Club
2nd Annual Fall Fishing Flea Market
Oct 10th 9am to 2pm Rain or Shine
Lacey Township Community Hall
6 East Lacey Road Forked River NJ
Admission $3
Food-Refreshments-Door Prizes
of 30 tables of Fishing Stuff
For Vender Info Contact: Eric at Irishcelticcross1@Yahoo.com
Tables at $25 ea
2nd Annual Fall Fishing Flea Market
Oct 10th 9am to 2pm Rain or Shine
Lacey Township Community Hall
6 East Lacey Road Forked River NJ
Admission $3
Food-Refreshments-Door Prizes
of 30 tables of Fishing Stuff
For Vender Info Contact: Eric at Irishcelticcross1@Yahoo.com
Tables at $25 ea