View Full Version : 2 GUYS= 4 BIG EYES on HEAD HUNTER

Head Hunter Fishing
09-01-2015, 11:43 AM
Team Head Hunter headed out on Saturday morning. They had a slow start on the troll but as soon as it got dark the bite was on! They were 4 for 4 on nice sized big eyes and a sword that they caught and released. The dynamic duo of Father & Son were able to handle it all and had an awesome time. They also went home with plenty of meat to fill their freezer.

The Head Hunter is heading out now for another trip but we still have some dates available! Call us to book your overnight Canyon trip and get in on the action. 732-890-8884 or HHcharter@gmail.com

Head Hunter Fishing
09-02-2015, 10:36 AM
Head Hunter is on her way in. Report to follow!