View Full Version : Perspective

Gerry Zagorski
09-01-2015, 09:27 AM
Every once and a while you get reminded how fortunate we are to live here in NJ and the great fishery we enjoy... I was reminded of it on Saturday when I had a friend Andrew and his newlywed wife Lucy from the Ukraine, visit us on a 1 day layover flying into NJ from their honeymoon in Saint Lucia headed back home.

We didn't have much time to spend with them so my wife Ruth says, lets take them fishing for a few hours in the morning.... I was hesitant at first since this has not exactly been a banner year for fishing but off we went for a short ride and we fished for few hours.

We get to the first spot... I tell Lucy how to work the bucktail, she drops down and starts jigging the pole and within seconds she gets a fish on...... I know its a short so I'm not too excited. Lucy on the other hand is hooting and hollering like a school girl!! I got a fish!! I got a fish!!! Andrew take my picture...

Andrew was not that interested at first but when he saw Lucy land a fish, he commented on how amazing it was we caught a fish as soon as we arrived. Wasn't long after he put the camera down, his manhood kicked in and he was going to best her fish.

For the next hour or so they took turns at the pole catching fish after fish, none of which was a keeper. It did not matter to them... They were keeping score intently and playfully busting each others chops over who's fish was bigger.

It wasn't until I played this back in my mind today that I realized how fortunate we are to have such a great fishery right in our own backyard and how we tend to take it for granted.

Would I have loved to put them on a 10 pounder?? Hell yeah but it did not seem matter to them.

Take someone out that is new to fishing and get your perspective back.

09-01-2015, 09:38 AM
Ditto and Amen :)

shrimpman steve
09-01-2015, 09:59 AM
Great stuff.

Next time Lucy is in town maybe she can give dah fish some pointers :)

Capt Sal
09-01-2015, 10:41 AM
This is so true! Some of the best charters I ever did were with fathers and daughters. Flat calm by the ammo pier and short fluke one after the other and an occasional keeper. Screaming and giggling all day.Great time and memories for these fathers and daughters that will last a life time. It doesn't have to be a ''slaughter'' to be a great trip!

09-01-2015, 11:50 AM
Correct.. I live in the Finger Lakes of NY and all I ever hear is about the "world class" fishery we have here.. meh.. Its good if you like trolling 100 feet down for 4 pound lakers with downriggers or wire/dipseys... Yes there are bigger fish than that and you might get a 6 -7 pound brown or Landlock, but you do a LOT of trolling most days for a fish like that,.. I don't even bother, I would rather fish the Jersey shore... the fish are better to eat by far, a lot more numerous and more aggressive.. I wish I could move back to NJ, but the high taxes, overcrowding, and astronomical cost for a nice place have forced me to stay here.. However, NJ fishing overall is superior to central NY state, unless you want to troll for big salmonids in the Great Lakes.. The stream salmon runs in the fall are absolute insanity,and even scary at times.. I stay away.. If you are into combat fishing its great I suppose..

btw, When I write "overall" I am thinking about the variety of opportunities between inshore/offshore/surf/shoreline in salt, and the tidal rivers/streams/lakes in NJ, It a LOT more diverse than many other places.

I have always felt NJ Div of fish and wildlife has been way better then NY.. We have a lot more fresh water here, monster recources,but its managed 100% for trout and salmon in BIG water, and benefits big water ,big boat trollers for the most part... NJ manages its resources to accommodate the average fisherman.. Hybrids, Pike, 2 year old stocked trout in the streams,[ ny stocks tiny 1 year olds] channel cats in smaller lakes and ponds etc...
I dunno, when I lived in NJ, I had great salt and fresh water fishing.. Here in NY, I have been disappointed for the most part.. Yes I catch fish here, but to be honest, I always caught a LOT more in NJ... So I guess I am envious these days, and kind of regret leaving NJ 24 years ago... Well, except for the taxes, illegals, and crowding thing.... bob

09-01-2015, 12:51 PM
Thanks for sharing Gerry and agree we are very fortunate to spend time on the water with family and friends!

09-01-2015, 01:02 PM
I was told many years ago that Sandy Hook and Raritan Bays are the best estuaries on the east coast. Considering the constant hammering and strain everyday by thousands of hooks in the water, it still can produce a keeper fish or two per boat. Amazing. Put this kind of pressure on other places, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay and the Florida bays, they would be cleaned out quickly. It would require a closure to bounce back.

bunker dunker
09-01-2015, 01:19 PM
while I am fluking on my favorite boat I will hook fish and let someone I don't even now reel it in,it could be a short or a 6lber.the great feeling I get sharing
this gift that we have here in nj is the best.we are blessed to have the fishery
we have and we should never take it for granted.

09-02-2015, 01:15 PM
while I am fluking on my favorite boat I will hook fish and let someone I don't even now reel it in,it could be a short or a 6lber.the great feeling I get sharing
this gift that we have here in nj is the best.we are blessed to have the fishery
we have and we should never take it for granted.
Indeed.. I took it for granted for decades.. Then one day I realized just how much better the overall fishing was in NJ than where I am now...bob

09-02-2015, 01:38 PM
Great story!

Been fishing alot the last few years with my kid and his buddies. Really makes me think about when I lost "perspective".

I get passed when a blue takes my striper bait..... these kids revel in it! I take these kids fishing to teach them a thing or two... turns out they are teaching me.

09-03-2015, 08:43 PM
Skates , Sharks and shorts! Big smiles priceless

09-03-2015, 08:44 PM