View Full Version : Sunday on the shrimp,, with vintastic

shrimpman steve
08-31-2015, 10:44 AM
Haven't had the dirty shrimp out in about a month. Nothing wrong with her just keep getting invites on bigger boats with friends (thanks Joey and Gerry). But this weekend looked sweet and I was able to pull Vintastic out of retirement.

After speaking to a couple of very respected captains I came up with my plan for the day. Hit the deep and caught some fish. It was great to be piloting my own boat for a change. I did miss it. Long story short, three nice keepers for vin, and three nice keepers for me. Ran into Joey and Gerry a couple of times out there (I wish they would stay off my numbers:D).

A great day to be on the water, for sure. I must thank the professional capts I spoke to who let me know the latest. I don't want to mention names, but if your reading you know who you are, it's always nice to get input from the guys doing this everyday, you have my gratitude.

Montauk for me next weekend bitches:D. Will post from the promised land. Also great to have Vintastic out with me again.

Joey Dah Fish
08-31-2015, 01:26 PM
Yeah you ran into us because your always on my numbers :eek: and as Gerry stated in a different post we will need a copy on my numbers and our GPS is whacked out may need to be replaced :mad: on a separate note. I'd like to buy an L please :p

08-31-2015, 04:13 PM
Glad to see you out there on the Dirty Shrimp. Good luck next week. Try to keep your lead off the deck ok... I won't be there for you to blame :p

Chris G
08-31-2015, 05:48 PM
So 3 "keepers" for Vinny.... but 3 "nice keepers" for you?:rolleyes:

Aren't all keepers nice? :p

All keepers matter.

08-31-2015, 06:14 PM
So 3 "keepers" for Vinny.... but 3 "nice keepers" for you?:rolleyes:

Aren't all keepers nice? :p

All keepers matter.

"All keepers matter" LMAO, quote of the day!

Joey Dah Fish
08-31-2015, 06:45 PM
You're welcome :D

Tuna Tales
08-31-2015, 07:10 PM
Nice Steve!!

Joe T.

shrimpman steve
08-31-2015, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE=Chris G;418917]So 3 "keepers" for Vinny.... but 3 "nice keepers" for you?:rolleyes:

Aren't all keepers nice? :p

All keepers matter.[/QUOTE

Very good. Lmao

08-31-2015, 08:54 PM
Hey Shrimpy

Looks like that beard is getting more grey every time i see you.
It must be from stressing out worrying if Joey is going to find you on his #'s and what he might do to you

Joey Dah Fish
08-31-2015, 09:54 PM
Currently I'm ecstatic that Shrimpy has all my numbers :D my GPSis on the fritz and I may lose them all. So I'm sure for the right price I can buy hem back :eek: in all seriousness though he's welcome to all my numbers as I'm sure I'm welcome to his. We were back and forth all day telling each other how we were doing at any given point. Helps both of us catch a few more fish usually.

shrimpman steve
09-01-2015, 10:04 AM
Amen joey

Me casa, you casa.

shrimpman steve
09-01-2015, 10:06 AM
Hey Shrimpy

Looks like that beard is getting more grey every time i see you.
It must be from stressing out worrying if Joey is going to find you on his #'s and what he might do to you

More worried about dropping six ounce spro on his deck!:eek::D