View Full Version : 8/29 Last Lady Report

NJ Dave
08-30-2015, 01:27 PM
Started the day on beautifull flat calm no wind day. Ralph set out east and far out we went. We hit so many different wrecks they were uncountable. Most, if not all held life.
We loaded up a box of ling, a few nice sea bass, which were unfortunatley returned to sea, a few pollack, 2 lobsters, and a nice mix of cod.
If you never fished with Capt Ralph and Billy give them a try.
I dont think Ralph ever looked at his watch cause time was on our side. The charter as usual left with nothing but smiles.
its an annual thing for many years and every year Ralph always seems to amaze us and out do the past years.

Thanks again Ralph and Billy for another great day on the water.

Its been way to long since the old gang has been out with grandpa, yea you all know who I am referring to and Ralph wants a reunion tour.

08-30-2015, 03:47 PM
Without a doubt captain Ralph and crew always go above and beyond to put a great catch together.

ALS Mako
08-31-2015, 07:54 PM
had a blast on the trip dave. even mono man couldn't put a damper on this one. hope I get an invite for next year. capt ralph and billy went above and beyond. I smoked some of the ling and they came out pretty good.

NJ Dave
09-02-2015, 04:28 PM
Yep, always fun times with the Last Lady Crew.
Good times Steve, we will do it again.