View Full Version : ~*~ Week so far ~*~

08-28-2015, 08:58 AM
Just a quick summary of the week so far.

Since I take a lot of my friends out on sweet water, had to get a little salt in my veins for the nights so far.

Monday: Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

Nothing, absolutely nothing simply because did not have anyone to guide me on the salt

Tuesday: Sandy Hook and then Rockaway's Queens

All know about the Sandy Hook sinking on Tuesday so no need to add to that. Had to leave the place since, well just had to do it.

Hit up Rockaway's with my friends from Brooklyn. Lots of missed fished and only ended up with one 3 footer dogfish that was caught within 3 minutes of me getting to sweet spot.

Wednesday: Red Bank

Hit up Red Bank with my friend who wanted to show me what crabbing is all about. As soon as the high tide pass then when those critters came out.

We got two in first 3 hours we were there and then another 20 in the last half hour before heading out.

Thursday: Atlantic Highlands on Fishermen with Captain Dan.

As mentioned on the salt section, absolutely amazing night to be out. Captain Dan did one helluva job of putting everyone on the fish. Most got something, all had a chance to get at least one. Got schooled by the captain on proper reeling technique when fighting a fish and managed to get one with the second one ripping my line to shreds. Pictures of my ugly mug are on saltwater section.

Tight Lines all.


08-28-2015, 09:48 AM
Congrats on the keeper Striper buddy! Nice fish for sure. Putting the time in always pays off eventually. Good fishing for the night time Striper crew on the Fishermen! YEA BUDDY!!!:D

08-28-2015, 07:13 PM
Hard to beat a keeper striper in August! Nice job!

I pulled an Andre today and fell off a truck bed straight on my butt. I kind of rolled as I landed so I think I'm ok. Guess I'll find out when I wake up tomorrow haha.

08-28-2015, 07:48 PM
Pray there's no tailbone fracture. That's a b*tch of a nagging injury dude.