View Full Version : Roosters Flukin 8-27-15

08-27-2015, 07:00 PM
Wind prediction again wrong, Tom and I headed around the hook looking for shelter.Starting at #11 Sandy Hook Channel the drift went for miles down the coast catching short Fluke and more large Sea Robins than I care to catch. The drift was very fast and the fish took our baits hard, making it a drop and reel situation. Tom settled on the area between North Beach and Gunnison with 19’ of water depth where I picked up four keeper Fluke to 20” and Tom had one at 19”.We had this area all to ourselves most of the morning with a few boats coming in staying awhile and leaving. Nearing noon it was like someone threw a switch and catching halted as we headed back in. I think the water at the bottom chilled suddenly as the lead sinkers felt cold to the touch. Sea Robin strips and Tom’s very large Killies did the trick today, pink GULP didn’t provide much action. Only two doggies today and no yellow-eyed demons.Five keeps! Pete

Grateful Dad
08-28-2015, 08:19 AM
Nice report. You always tell it like it is.