View Full Version : Seabass

Rightaway III
08-25-2015, 08:20 AM
How many anglers out there are interested in taking action regarding New Jersey's current Seabass fishery? Only a few years ago we relied on Summer Seabass as a 'plan B' when going out Fluking. As you all know, Fluking is hit or miss at best and one could always come home with a Seabass dinner if the Fluke weren't biting. I'm hearing of so many in-shore anglers resorting to 'filleting-and-releasing' many large Fluke just so that after spending big $$, they would have something to bring home. There are, in reality, very few alternatives to Fluking. The Ling have moved out to the mudhole, a one Tog limit isn't worth the effort, Bluefishing isn't for everybody, and you have a tough time getting past the hoards of jumbo Seabass to get to the Porgys. Are Seabass endangered in New Jersey and not in NY or Delaware? Is an 18" Fluke a realistic minimum size? I am a life-long Jersey Shore fisherman and I, like many others, am tired of taking it on the chin year after year. A little feedback from my fellow fishermen just may go a long way. Captain Ed Piersanti

08-25-2015, 09:00 AM
I also think the rules are ludicrous. Civil disobedience and money are the only two viable answers. As for fishing, you can put me down for some porgy, tog, trigger action if you are going this Sunday.

08-25-2015, 09:49 AM
Are Seabass endangered in New Jersey and not in NY or Delaware?

I wonder the same. 3 different governing bodies have their own BS, rules and legalities which create differences in regs and then we have to watch out for the invisible state lines on water. Above all thier "scientific" estimates some times have a sharp contrast to what's being reported by head boats.
More law makers = More rules.

Capt Joe
08-25-2015, 12:00 PM
Filet and release works great for six-packs, problem on headboats is it only takes one DICK with a cell phone keyed to Fish and Game, and every boat has at least one.
Time for a little more than civil disobedience.

Rightaway III
08-25-2015, 02:06 PM
Was suprised to see capt.eds post but he was right on.The sea bass stock has never been in better shape .I have a group off guys that fish out of new hampshire pretty often,they told me the lobster men are complainingthat the sea bass are so thick they are eating all the juvenile lobsters,HELLLOOOO.ONE GREAT DECISION THE REGULATORS MADE IS TO MAKE THE CONGER EELS A PROTECTED SPECIES,WAY TO GO GUYS.CAPT.TOM JOSEPH

08-25-2015, 02:26 PM
I throw back 80 percent of what I catch. I pay my taxes as required. If I want to eat a fish for dinner on a particular night. I don't care if is the rare endangered black sea bass or a 16 inch fluke. I will keep it. I believe in conservation. I don't believe in the government policies.

Rightaway III
08-25-2015, 04:23 PM
Sorry Capt. Joe, but fillet and release DOES NOT "WORK GREAT FOR 6-PACKS" or anyone else.
Capt. Ed

08-25-2015, 04:52 PM
Sorry Capt. Joe, but fillet and release DOES NOT "WORK GREAT FOR 6-PACKS" or anyone else.
Capt. Ed

Love your passion Capt. Ed, you sound like me, but if the regulations come down on us again next year for no reason at all, Fillet and release will be the only answer. Just have to get everyone on the same page so we are one together..........YEA RIGHT!:mad:

Capt Joe
08-25-2015, 05:34 PM
Sorry Capt. Joe, but fillet and release DOES NOT "WORK GREAT FOR 6-PACKS" or anyone else.
Capt. Ed

You're right Capt Ed, and we are forced to be pirates and lawbreakers, so be it.

08-25-2015, 07:02 PM
It's like prohibition. What's your chances of being caught? If you are you pay a fine and get on with your business. If the rule makers had concern for us I would respect the law, but they don't. C'est la vie.

Blackfish Doug
08-25-2015, 08:27 PM
I would like to know how many of those 17" plus fish you guys throw back next year wind up being caught up in LI,RI,Mass etc. It seems the fish you throw back are being caught out east once they become keepers. The average size fish for NJ is 16 1/2" to 17 1/2". Just go back a few years ago when that was size fish that we were able to keep at a 8 fish limit & you got your limit. Now it's bragging rights for a 5 fish limit that's why I don't fish for them anymore it just not worth the time &effort & cash for 5 fish.

08-25-2015, 09:46 PM
Maybe we need Trump to talk common sense on this issue too.

08-25-2015, 09:52 PM
If everyone takes the stand to revolt against these unfair regulations it will work! Good luck trying to ticket every single angler !! NY gets to keep Sea bass ..why not us here in NJ ? Desperate times call for desperate measures !! All they have to do is give us is fair regulations and the industry will be fine but no they insist on killing the sport and industry. The choice is ours and the time is NOW!

08-25-2015, 10:57 PM
Maybe we need Trump to talk common sense on this issue too.

Ummm Mr. President... (Gerry) where's a like button when you need it!! Lol

08-25-2015, 11:54 PM
Not only get the ticket but fight it in court. Municipal Courts in shore towns won't be able to handle the volume and will become hopeless backlogged. Then set up a payment program and pay a dollar a week to drive up administrative costs.

08-25-2015, 11:56 PM
I have been fishing the Raritan Bay and down to Barnegat for more than 35 years and have always observed the regulations and I am a big believer in conservation. However, our current rules and proposed cuts on the fluke fishery for next year have nothing to do with conservation. If you recall about 15 to 20 years ago you would get those PETA idiots protesting tournaments and defending fish rights. Most of those protesters ended up with chum or left over bait thrown at them which was rather comical. They wised up quickly realizing that the public opinion was against them and the way to save the fish was to get involved politically. If they could help influence NMFS then they could slowly incorporate ridiculous regulations that could slowly put bait shops, marinas, party/charter boats, etc. out of business and thus save the poor fish that have no representation. If they do this slowly over a number of years then anglers will complain but not to any serious extent. And so here we are today with shortened seasons and bag limits that make you question the validity of all the money we spend on this industry. So if there are any PETA or NMFS members reading this thread I say this, " when I go out fluke fishing and spend an average of $80-$100 between gas, bait, boat fare, tackle, etc. I will bring home a fish dinner!" And as DiCaprio taunted Hanks in that famous movie " Catch me if you can" I'm done with the lies and deceit of our government agencies.
If this post offends please call NMFS at 1-800-EAT-SHIT!

08-26-2015, 12:03 AM
Read NOAA on Black seabass in the NorthEast, stocks rebuilt, not over fished. I want my offshore winter fishery back, 15 seabass for $170.00, you win !!! I'll guess I'll just go to fish market.