View Full Version : Electronics Combo Purchase

08-19-2015, 04:29 PM
So after about 2 months of reading reviews and going back and forth I finally decided the best unit for my needs was the Lowrance HDS 7 Gen 3 Touch. I read reviews on here and other places about Lowrance customer service, but everytime I looked at another product I found customer service woes also. So it was not price for sure because this "entry" level unit was big coin compared to others. So what sold me:
Touch and button screen
Wifi so now I can use my 2 ipads with it
Ability to add features on later
2 yr warranty
User reviews
All the features bundled in compared to competitors

Already disposed of the old stuff so once it arrives the fun begins with installing.

Gerry Zagorski
08-22-2015, 10:37 AM
You must be like a kid waiting for Christmas morning :D

If the unit is Navionics based, be sure to download the Navionics app for your I phone and I pads... You can plot all your waypoints on the iPad or iPhone and push them to your boat plotter via wifi or take the waypoints off your plotter and store them on your iPad. You can also update the charts on your plotter the same way.

08-22-2015, 02:47 PM
Oh Do I have apps lol