View Full Version : jenny lee 8/16/15 bigeyes..... well

jenny lee sportfishing
08-18-2015, 07:06 PM
Tuesday, August 18. 2015

paul baldassano and friends 8/16/15 (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/235-paul-baldassano-and-friends-81615.html)

capt's kevin gerrity and dave bender took paul baldassano of farmingdale, ny and friends out for their annual overnighter. these guys have been fishing with us for years and we enjoy their company. the day started with a large net wrapped around our prop at the dock!! thank you lightning for jumping in on a sunday morning to cut it off. upon taking our spot in the bigeye armada we got a double header at about 530 pm. one pulled off right away and the other was on and the battle began. the guys were amazed at the fight these fish put up and they passed the rod like a spliff at a marley concert. 7 feet from the boat and an hour later the hook pulled ###%%%
put em back in and we get another one on and the hook pulls right away, its now dark and bang on again. this fish is big, and once again the passing of the rod. after well over an hour we get the fish to the boat and it makes a jog left and the angler can't quite get there as quickly and he's gone. long silence...

the night bite was non existant except for the ray that spooled a fifty wide.
back on the morning troll we get our last bite on a bar and the fish inhaled the hook bait and broke the line.
we sailed back to manasquan with a busted ass and a tear in our eye. we had five bigeye bites and two to the boat and nothing to show for it. the guys already booked for 2016.. they are going to the gym and i'm spending two weeks at charm school in january

Posted by jenny_lee (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/authors/1-jenny_lee) at 15:51 (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/235-paul-baldassano-and-friends-81615.html) | Edit entry (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=235)

Hunter 2
08-18-2015, 07:14 PM
I had to go to Charm School twice.
Thanks for the report Captain..

shrimpman steve
08-18-2015, 08:20 PM
Those fish will kick you azz!

I know, I've caught a few in my life and a couple have been on the JL.

Capt. Lou
08-18-2015, 08:24 PM
Dave look at it this way , there still out there eating , next trip hook em up !! That's one fish I believe feeds constantly so dam nasty ! :cool:

Joey Dah Fish
08-18-2015, 08:42 PM
Sorry to hear this. Sometimes the fish win. I nice to come home with meet but I really just love the excitement and anticipation. I think I would rather hear the reel screaming rather than eating the tuna steak. You will gettem next time.

08-18-2015, 08:42 PM
Many anglers have no idea the power that these fish posses and the pain they will put you through both me tally and physically. You truly have to be in decent shape to be able to fight these beast and land them. Passing the rod do to exhaustion just prolongs the fight and give the upper hand. Five bigeye bites in one trip is not to shabby on your guys part. Best of luck on next trip as I am sure you will have more to show for your efforts. Things always seem to balance out in the long run

Joey Dah Fish
08-18-2015, 08:43 PM
Sorry to hear this. Sometimes the fish win. I nice to come home with meet but I really just love the excitement and anticipation. I think I would rather hear the reel screaming rather than eating the tuna steak. You will gettem next time.

Damn auto correct crap!!! It's mice to come home with meat !!!!!

Joey Dah Fish
08-18-2015, 08:44 PM
Damn auto correct crap!!! It's mice to come home with meat !!!!!

See friggin nice not friggin mice damn it!!!!

shrimpman steve
08-18-2015, 09:00 PM