View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Tuesdays Report and Short Rant!!
08-18-2015, 05:06 PM
Fluke are on the move! We had good action in the AM on shorts and keepers with our first limit going to Jack fishing in the bow, he also took the pool with a 24 inch 7.2 pound Fluke! Second limit came towards the end of the day with a first timer on the Fishermen from Waretown, NJ. Another customer had 4, some had 3 nice fish. Capt. Ron Sr. also had 3 nice fish plus way too many shorts!
These 17-17 1/2 inch fish going back is Bullshit!! These are 3 pound Fluke!
Mike, my deck hand, on his day off, just missed his limit but did put an 8.2 and 5.7 pounder in the box! Good action all day as we had a drift and covered the ground.
Heard that next year we are looking at a 19 inch size limit! Are you kidding me...if you want me out of business BUY ME OUT! I'm not going down like this...Step up guys and start using your voice, contact the Governor, maybe he will have some balls and say enough is enough in this State! Delaware can keep 16 inch fish, that's what they need to survive and they have it. Where's Frank Pallone?
We need help NOW! Doesn't matter if you are Commercial, Recreational, Party of Charter boat, we all get screwed, haven't you had enough already?
Thank you once again to those who still believe and have faith for writing those checks. Mike, you made me feel like a million bucks today when you stopped by, makes me want to fight even harder....Just wish everyone would get on the same page here.
Why is it none of the other "PRO'S" in the business aren't saying a word? Makes me wonder......I'll take the target on my back guys, for now.
CHARTERED with the SSFFF Fundraiser this Friday...(We still have some open Spots) please contact Dave Daley if you'd like to join us. Great group of guys who love what we do....973-479-7768 to speak to Dave.
08-18-2015, 05:21 PM
Maybe they support the cause...... Just not the one collecting donations
Just a. Thought
08-18-2015, 05:39 PM
The governor is busy trying to fix the tunnel deal that wasn't necessary until he ran for President.
shrimpman steve
08-18-2015, 05:43 PM
Unfortunately Ron, I think we would have to reverse regionalzation first. This all sucks. As far as Friday, I figured you'd say "a great group of guys and shrimpy":)
I'll be there Friday
08-18-2015, 05:47 PM
Maybe they support the cause...... Just not the one collecting donations
Just a. Thought
It's not about me Bigfish.....
08-18-2015, 05:49 PM
I fished Ambrose on Sunday and caught fish non stop for 6 hours and didn't catch one keeper. I can't tell you how many times I held up a three pound short and said "I can't believe I have to throw this fish back!" Absolute bullshit is correct.
08-18-2015, 06:00 PM
Hey Ron good looking pic of Capt Sr. He is still hot at da rail!!!!!!!!
08-18-2015, 06:14 PM
Ron , as many your rants are justified. but whats worse is while NMFS puts many out of business, it isnt because they care about the fishery.
its because they are ready to really implement the catch shares programs and allow ALL the fishing to the highest bidders.
The commercial guys are allowed 500 pounds a day, with a limited season.
Yet IF they pay the fees, and pay approx 2.50 a pound they can keep 30000 pounds., if the fishery was hurt they couldnt offer that option.
luckily the draggers dont want to do all the work for the government to make money on their sweat.
or they REALLY could be hammering the stocks.
BUT what happens when one or more of them finally buys the quota.
Its going to get UGLY even quicker
This is all another government scheme , that is unfolding QUICK.
And its PURE profit for them.
this is BAD politics at its worst
08-18-2015, 07:29 PM
Capt Ron you couldn't be more right. The recreational community is getting &^%$%# every year. We're facing another significant cut next year coming off this year which has to be one of the worse fluke years in recent memory. I remember not long ago we felt sorry for NY at I believe 2 fish at 21 or 22 inches, we're quickly getting there. All so &^*%$#@ politicians and big business can monopolize the resource. All these fish we're releasing will be netted legally or illegally when they migrate offshore. Not sure what the answer is but as others have said we're losing the battle and a public resource we all have rights to is being taken away. Until the recreational fishing community can hurt politicians, nothing will change. It's that simple. They're &^*^%$# whores who will sell their souls and our resources to the highest bigger every time.
shrimpman steve
08-18-2015, 08:24 PM
08-18-2015, 11:50 PM
capt Ron.. I appreciate you being a solid, devoted voice for the recreational angler community...
In addition to writing checks and making a donation to the SSFFF... While I believe this will certainly help, I believe you along with others who post in this forum hit the nail on the head.... Unfortunately it is apparent that a very small percentage of us. (Recreational anglers) really do care...
I hope I'm wrong, but these are some of the reasons why I feel this way...
1- you are doing an absolutely commendable gesture in hosting the SSFFF fund raiser on Friday... In my opinion, within the first week of this trip being announced, all the spots should have been sold out.. Based on your post, spots remain available... Maybe the majority like me have to work and can't take the day off....hopefully donations will still filter in from those who can't get the day off...
2- recreational anglers in our area just don't seem to stick together. I'm fortunate to fish quite a bit in Texas and Louisiana.... This crap simply does not exist down there.. They have slot limits that are reasonable.. The recreational anglers stick together and they make their voices heard.. The politicians in these states (many of them) are PRO- Outdoorsmen and protect their constituents. even better politicians in these states are outdoorsmen and have a vested interest in protecting their fisheries.... I'm not aware of any local politician along our coast who is an. Outdoorsmen and shares our passion.
I think the limited number of us who really do care need to become "politicians" within our fishing community... What exactly is my point- well maybe we band together with a quality written petition that we all agree on.... Guys in our region - who do care need take these petitions and walk around their marinas, fishing clubs, have these petitions on every fluke party boat / 6 pack charter boat in our area.... I think if we band together and have one unified voice, all asking for the same demand... That there is some power in our signatures/ voices... Hopefully we can gather the signatures from thousands of recreational anglers from the very avid anglers who do really care to those recreational families that might only fish 1 day a season.... My opinion here is we all band together, get on the same page... And band together, stronger than we have before. We collect as many signatures and then we invite all these NY / NJ politicians to "our meeting." you can lead with the recent SSFFF findings report... Then we all back you up with thousands of our signatures all supporting the same, one cause... This is solely a suggestion based on how I have observed other passionate anglers down south stick together and drive results...
I'm happy to sign on board as the Staten Island, NY advocate... Will be happy to take this unified petition around to all the clubs, marinas, etc. and gather signatures...
I'll end my rant with your Quote from above "Haven't we had enough already?"
08-19-2015, 12:47 PM
recreational anglers in our area just don't seem to stick together. I'm fortunate to fish quite a bit in Texas and Louisiana.... This crap simply does not exist down there.. They have slot limits that are reasonable.. The recreational anglers stick together and they make their voices heard.. The politicians in these states (many of them) are PRO- Outdoorsmen and protect their constituents. even better politicians in these states are outdoorsmen and have a vested interest in protecting their fisheries.... I'm not aware of any local politician along our coast who is an. Outdoorsmen and shares our passion."
It's not that we don't stick together--witness the numerous and (sometimes) raging-mad posts on this message board. Without getting too wordy, the South has, historically, resisted any type of regulations: It took a Supreme Court ruling to integrate their schools! As many of us know too well, NJ finds itself at the top of the regulation charts in all aspects of life, let alone the size and limits of the fish we take from the oceans, bays and rivers that our politicians love to think are part of their constituencies. We're so used to regulations we tend to take them in stride, a "cost of living in the metropolitan area" so to speak. Show someone in Texas or Louisiana your property tax or auto insurance bill; see what kind of response that gets!
As long as fisherman occupy the lower end of the lobbying crowd, governors, senators and representative may listen but in the end will ignore us. Hopefully, though the efforts of the SSFF and this message board, the new data will get into the right hands and on the pages of the right newspapers and on the airwaves of the right TV and radio stations.
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