Tenacious Sportfishing
08-16-2015, 08:06 PM
Capt's Bernie Roth and Rich Oris hosted Joe Doneko and friends from Binghamton NY for their first offshore canyon overnighter on Friday. Fishing has been slooooow in the Hudson and when we heard some good reports from the area of the Bacardi we decided to stop there first and then go to the Hudson. We trolled there for three hours without a bite. Some fish where caught reportedly small both yellowfins and Bluefin. We continued to the Hudson and trolled till 8:30 pm hoping for a bigeye lottery bite but it did not happen. Overnight chunking was uneventful for us and the reports indicated most others had the same experience. We trolled from the east to the west wall in the am and when we arrived the port long rigger screamed and a white marling began tailwalking about two hundred yards astern. After three aerials he sounded and it took three guys on the rod before he came close to the transom. He stayed deep and we unfortunately could not get a picture before the mate grabbed the leader and the hook pulled. Some of the charter got a quick look at the fish as he came up and were amazed at his size as well as his drag pulling runs. We estimated the fish to be 70-80 lbs. We continued trolling up the wall and picked up some Mahi before heading home in bumpy seas.