Mushin Sportfishing
08-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Capt. Jay and Mate Rich had Jeff C's family out for a half-day of family fishing and developing the anglers of the upcoming decades! Anyone who has ever fished with veteran Capt. Jay knows how dedicated he is to fostering future anglers in his 40+ years of professional fishing, and today was no different. Jeff was out with us last year, and this year asked us to take him and his family out for a half-day to help get the kids into fishing. He told us no fish would be retained (family rule), just get the kids to enjoy fishing. Given the choices of species for a half-day run, Capt. Jay put them on a wreck that produced drop-and-reel sea bass that would shake the most seasoned wreckmaster with lots of knucklehead seabass - all were safely returned and unharmed. It was a wonderful day seeing Jeff and his family enjoy fishing and time on the water!