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View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Mondays Fishing Report...

08-10-2015, 07:35 PM
Yes, the fishing is "ALWAYS" good in this business. Any day, any conditions, just to be out on the water is your personal day to get away from it all, yet, the "catching" happens to stink right now.

I don't care how anyone sugar coats it and we all try to make the best of a bad situation to stay in business, but this is the worst Fluke fishing I have seen in 36 years of running a boat.

Yes, we do have our moments and catch some very nice Fluke, we do have days where the action is good, but to cover the miles I have the past month, always searching for that great bite, it's not happening. My customers expect the truth no matter how good or bad, that's what they get, that's why they come back.

Never had to work so hard in my life to try and find a bite, everyday is a new adventure. Conditions seem to always be wind against with no drift. When we fish the current, the slide is a killer....Gonna get a tattoo on my chest that says "Perseverance", it's what I live by, keeps me going......

Tried to fish the Ocean this morning, with the wind against in the bay once again, I just couldn't start the day like that. Still a big heave out there and we only caught a few small Fluke and short Sea Bass. Ran to the back bay, caught the change of tide had a shot of nice fish and thought the bite was on. No such luck, it died as fast as it started. Fished several area's, even with a good drift, it didn't happen for us.........Tom Krako took today's pool with a nice keeper at 4 pounds.

Tomorrow looks like a much needed day off with the weather predicted.

Chartered Friday AM and PM and Sunday Morning this week.

Capt. Ron

Joey Dah Fish
08-10-2015, 07:39 PM
Agreed I kicked of the first few weeks with some bang up catches but for the last2 weeks it's been down right awful :mad:

08-11-2015, 12:32 AM
Expect a video of a crying baby from some jerk in Brielle who has nothing else to do with his time but harass peeps honest reports. I think he thinks it's funny. Whatever. Someone is bored with his life and the lack of fish. LOL

08-11-2015, 02:16 AM
great report ron, we love the hardwork you put in to put your fares on fish.

08-11-2015, 05:25 AM
Expect a video of a crying baby from some jerk in Brielle who has nothing else to do with his time but harass peeps honest reports. I think he thinks it's funny. Whatever. Someone is bored with his life and the lack of fish. LOL

Capt. Joe's just having some fun, I kinda get a kick out of it, a good laugh takes away some of the stress....:)

08-11-2015, 08:30 AM
Thanks for your view Cap. The obvious question is why. I know your opinion with years of dealing with tide, water temp., regs. etc. would be interesting. Appreciate a educated reply.
PS.. You guys work hard for us.

shrimpman steve
08-11-2015, 08:59 AM
Capt. Joe's just having some fun, I kinda get a kick out of it, a good laugh takes away some of the stress....:)

So does a glass of scotch:)

08-11-2015, 09:30 AM
So does a glass of scotch:)

I'll second that !