View Full Version : Weakfish

08-07-2015, 02:28 PM
Hi all,

2nd post today, yep I am really bored at the office :cool:

Anywho, I miss catching these guys...15-10 years ago, I would wait for the right tide, hit the back bay with a dozen sandworms and catch 2-3 medium size weakfish. I haven't landed one, larger then a spike, in several years. has anyone heard of anything regarding weakfish? this is the time of year I use to always produce, it sucks because it was my primary target for night fishing....worst case ill just got to Jenks and pick up the other type of fish dish ;)

08-07-2015, 02:59 PM
If it smells like fish, it's a healthy dish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.It just depends on what kind of fish you want at Jenks. Do you want fillet or fa eat? Think about it.