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View Full Version : 6 Pack Whiting Trip On Eastmans Annie B Today ((INCREDIBLE))

08-06-2015, 09:45 PM
Todays 6 Pack Whiting Trip With Captain Nate On The Annie B Eastmans Fleet Was Nothing Short Of SPECTACULAR

OVER 400 Whiting With Many Jumbo Baseball Bats And Close To 100 Ling Besides A Full Limit Of Big Daddy Haddock

Check Out These Pictures For Starters





08-07-2015, 07:26 AM

Were you tipping the gulp with bait?

08-07-2015, 09:09 AM
For the first hour the Whiting were all over the gulp with no bait then they turned on to Whiting strips, squid strips and squid. If you wanted Ling all you need was gulp

It was a Whiting beat down

Bye the way Eastman running special open boat Whiting trips on selected days starting Sept 1

08-07-2015, 09:16 AM
Wow looks like a great trip.

Its been mannnnnny years since I seen whiting like that.

08-07-2015, 09:19 AM
I know how this is going to sound BUT can't help myself I guess. First thanks for sharing the report, that's great news about the whiting. Never thought in my life I would see a report about whiting again like yours. That being said, when will we learn or maybe I should say when will regulators learn. And believe me I'm not for more regulation BUT whiting haven't been around literally in probably 40 or 50 years. The commercial guys killed what was probably one of the healthiest fisheries ever years ago in the late 60's / early 70's. You have no idea how great it is to see a report with whiting making a comeback. Now for the part I'm sure will draw criticism. A 6 man charter keeps 400 whiting and a 100 ling. 500 fish, 1000 fillets for 6 people for a fish which is just beginning to make a comeback after almost 50 years of literally not even seeing a whiting. And if rod and reel are taking those numbers, how long before commercial want their fare share. There is no way someone is going to eat that much fish and even if they do did anyone &^$%#@$ learn anything from what was probably one of the worse fishery collapses ever. How about a daily limit of 15, 20, 25 something respectable. Fishark I love the report so please don't take it as I'm coming at you because I'm not. It's insane that a once thriving fishery which collapsed almost over night damn near 50 years ago will ever sustain itself if that many fish are being taken when it's just showing some signs of life. 1,000 fillets split between 6 people, 170 fillets each! How many end up being tossed after six months. Just don't see any logic in it. If there is one fishery in need of help to rebuild it's whiting. How great would it be if that fishery came back to what it was in the 60's along with cod making a comeback. The winter fishing opportunities would be HUGE. Party boats would benefit, anglers would benefit, I guarantee you we'd see giant BFT migrating through the Mudhole again every year more than the few that do now. Everyone wins but the fishery needs to be managed and 80 - 100 fish a person a day trips won't help us get there. I'm glad top see a charter guy have the opportunity and people to put fish in the box but keep allowing these numbers and history will repeat itself for certain. Ling and whiting were the main stay of the party boat fleet during the fall, winter and into the spring back in the day, no reason we can't get there again if the biomass is rebuilding but unlimited catches will surely kill that possibility. Sad we have the powers to be over regulate fisheries which are healthy and ignore ones which need help. Absolutely senseless!!

08-07-2015, 11:36 AM
I know how this is going to sound BUT can't help myself I guess. First thanks for sharing the report, that's great news about the whiting. Never thought in my life I would see a report about whiting again like yours. That being said, when will we learn or maybe I should say when will regulators learn. And believe me I'm not for more regulation BUT whiting haven't been around literally in probably 40 or 50 years. The commercial guys killed what was probably one of the healthiest fisheries ever years ago in the late 60's / early 70's. You have no idea how great it is to see a report with whiting making a comeback. Now for the part I'm sure will draw criticism. A 6 man charter keeps 400 whiting and a 100 ling. 500 fish, 1000 fillets for 6 people for a fish which is just beginning to make a comeback after almost 50 years of literally not even seeing a whiting. And if rod and reel are taking those numbers, how long before commercial want their fare share. There is no way someone is going to eat that much fish and even if they do did anyone &^$%#@$ learn anything from what was probably one of the worse fishery collapses ever. How about a daily limit of 15, 20, 25 something respectable. Fishark I love the report so please don't take it as I'm coming at you because I'm not. It's insane that a once thriving fishery which collapsed almost over night damn near 50 years ago will ever sustain itself if that many fish are being taken when it's just showing some signs of life. 1,000 fillets split between 6 people, 170 fillets each! How many end up being tossed after six months. Just don't see any logic in it. If there is one fishery in need of help to rebuild it's whiting. How great would it be if that fishery came back to what it was in the 60's along with cod making a comeback. The winter fishing opportunities would be HUGE. Party boats would benefit, anglers would benefit, I guarantee you we'd see giant BFT migrating through the Mudhole again every year more than the few that do now. Everyone wins but the fishery needs to be managed and 80 - 100 fish a person a day trips won't help us get there. I'm glad top see a charter guy have the opportunity and people to put fish in the box but keep allowing these numbers and history will repeat itself for certain. Ling and whiting were the main stay of the party boat fleet during the fall, winter and into the spring back in the day, no reason we can't get there again if the biomass is rebuilding but unlimited catches will surely kill that possibility. Sad we have the powers to be over regulate fisheries which are healthy and ignore ones which need help. Absolutely senseless!!

No disrespect to you Dakota but let me fill you in on the facts

There has NEVER been a Whiting shortage in the Gulf Of Maine

As a matter of fact the Draggers do not even fish for Whiting at all where we go. There is ZERO pressure on them - ZERO

Furthermore we are not allowed to retain any Cod because there are NONE - More BILL SH^&%&*(IT

We can only keep 3 Haddock


So please dont talk about overfishing a species with 1 Six Pack

There is not another boat anywhere Whiting Fishing

YES I am attempting to help out a friend and promote the business of a NJFISHING ADVERTISER

Just because you have No Whiting In NJ that does not mean over fishing is occurring in NH

Back To The Pictures








Hooked up
08-07-2015, 04:01 PM
There's always one person who doesn't have a clue. First of all most people I know when cleaning there whiting have them butterflied so where do you get a thousand filets. What if the person has friends and family he wants to give fish to. What if the person has a big family and eats fish twice a week. My point is instead of being critical just enjoy the fact that you can go somewhere on the east coast and catch these delicious fish. My hat goes off to you fishark great report keep them coming

08-07-2015, 04:34 PM
There's always one person who doesn't have a clue. First of all most people I know when cleaning there whiting have them butterflied so where do you get a thousand filets. What if the person has friends and family he wants to give fish to. What if the person has a big family and eats fish twice a week. My point is instead of being critical just enjoy the fact that you can go somewhere on the east coast and catch these delicious fish. My hat goes off to you fishark great report keep them coming

Thank You Hooked Up

Captain James



Captain Nate & Captain James


Randy Brown




Capt Sal
08-07-2015, 05:37 PM
Smoke half,eat some fresh and make the neighbors happy! Nice pics. Some people have no clue!

08-07-2015, 06:27 PM
I am booked on two of Eastman's trips targeting these tasty fish.

fishark is correct in that no one and I mean no one is fishing for these whiting.
The area they fish is empty of any boats and 600 fish in nothing.
I have had days on NJ party boats were I alone caught 100 plus ling and used every fillet so 600 is nothing when very few boat fish for whiting unless they want some for tuna fish.
You should check it out and enjoy what few fish they allow you to keep up in the GOM.
Don't get me started on Haddock my fav fish to eat, you catch 3 haddock in less the 5 min and wind up tossing 100 back. you can't get away form them , even in areas that never had haddock there are loads.

I highly recommend anyone to make a run up to Eastman's this fall and get in on some great whiting and ling fishing with some nice Pollack as well.

I plan on doing at least 2 more days besides the ones I have planned to fill my freezer with my winters supply of fish since I can't keep any thing else:D

08-07-2015, 11:28 PM
Me with 4 at a time


Captain James




The Sargent


08-08-2015, 12:38 AM
Great trips and appreciated the pictures. Question what does whiting taste like....(ling, mackerel, etc.)?

08-08-2015, 01:56 AM
Great report Marc.

08-08-2015, 06:31 AM
Great trips and appreciated the pictures. Question what does whiting taste like....(ling, mackerel, etc.)?

I would say in between a Ling and Haddock but much firmer meat than a ling

08-08-2015, 06:47 AM





08-08-2015, 04:01 PM
There's always one person who doesn't have a clue. First of all most people I know when cleaning there whiting have them butterflied so where do you get a thousand filets. What if the person has friends and family he wants to give fish to. What if the person has a big family and eats fish twice a week. My point is instead of being critical just enjoy the fact that you can go somewhere on the east coast and catch these delicious fish. My hat goes off to you fishark great report keep them coming

My post didn't attack the boat captain, the boat charter or the anglers, it addressed the resource and current regulations. And you're right, there's always one person who doesn't have a clue just happens to be you in this case. Another douche bag who feels the need to flex his internet muscles. I'm thrilled to see unlike New Jersey New Hampshire doesn't have a whiting problem. New Jersey didn't have a whiting problem either many years ago until one year they were gone! It wouldn't surprise me at the time if the biomass was greater than New Hampshire's is now yet almost over night it was destroyed. Same can and will happen in New Hampshire..... count on it. Name one fishery which hasn't been pressured. The point of my post was learn from the past regardless of the location and be proactive with necessary measures before the fishery is devastated.

Hooked Up I guess 500 fish @ two fillets each is something a man of you IQ can't calculate, sorry can't help you there. Maybe some consume that much fish but I would guess most don't, especially ling which don't hold up at all in the freezer.

Either way keep taking 500, 600 or 700 fish a day and when the regulations change like they have for cod and haddock and virtually every species of fish don't be whining like a little girl.

08-08-2015, 05:37 PM
I always laugh when I hear the argument that rec anglers "self regulate."

08-08-2015, 06:59 PM
My post didn't attack the boat captain, the boat charter or the anglers, it addressed the resource and current regulations. And you're right, there's always one person who doesn't have a clue just happens to be you in this case. Another douche bag who feels the need to flex his internet muscles. I'm thrilled to see unlike New Jersey New Hampshire doesn't have a whiting problem. New Jersey didn't have a whiting problem either many years ago until one year they were gone! It wouldn't surprise me at the time if the biomass was greater than New Hampshire's is now yet almost over night it was destroyed. Same can and will happen in New Hampshire..... count on it. Name one fishery which hasn't been pressured. The point of my post was learn from the past regardless of the location and be proactive with necessary measures before the fishery is devastated.

Hooked Up I guess 500 fish @ two fillets each is something a man of you IQ can't calculate, sorry can't help you there. Maybe some consume that much fish but I would guess most don't, especially ling which don't hold up at all in the freezer.

Either way keep taking 500, 600 or 700 fish a day and when the regulations change like they have for cod and haddock and virtually every species of fish don't be whining like a little girl.

Unlike my board where I can say whatever I want I cant do that here but I would like to counter a few of your "arguments" with what I perceive to be facts. I will use the EYEBALL test

You mentioned Cod and Haddock

I can give you first hand knowledge. It was only a little more than a month ago on one of my Charters to Fipps where we had to move 7 times to try and get away from the Cod Fish. We easily threw back OVER 400 Cod from 5 to 30 Lbs. We had our limit of Haddock in about 20 minutes and threw back over 200 Haddock. The only shortage is a shortage of BRAINS as far as John Bullard and NOAA

Getting back to the Whiting I personally have been catching good amounts of Whiting on Private boats in the Gulf Of Maine for the last 10 years and it is only the last few years since NOAA has decided to destroy the recreational fisherman that I started doing these Whiting Charters. Believe it or not the locals have almost ZERO interest in Whiting and less than that in Ling. I have had 12 Whiting Charters since the end of May and have NEVER seen 1 other boat anywhere near us either Charter or Party Boat or even a commercial boat.

Furthermore their is no reason for members to attack one another

Back To The Pictures

Time To Limit Out On Haddock In 20 Minutes








Full Huge Tote Of Whiting


Blind Squirrel
08-08-2015, 07:24 PM
There's always one person who doesn't have a clue. First of all most people I know when cleaning there whiting have them butterflied so where do you get a thousand filets. What if the person has friends and family he wants to give fish to. What if the person has a big family and eats fish twice a week. My point is instead of being critical just enjoy the fact that you can go somewhere on the east coast and catch these delicious fish. My hat goes off to you fishark great report keep them coming
There are 1000 filets in 500 fish because filets are commonly only one side of most fish. These fish are only delicious when they're properly kept, and ice is conspicuously absent in the photo of the jumbo Igloo cooler stuffed full of whiting and ling. If I'm the person who has friends and family to whom he wants to give fish, the ones I give them haven't been sitting in the hot sun in warm ocean water made even warmer by their body temperatures.

08-08-2015, 07:33 PM
There are 1000 filets in 500 fish because filets are commonly only one side of most fish. These fish are only delicious when they're properly kept, and ice is conspicuously absent in the photo of the jumbo Igloo cooler stuffed full of whiting and ling. If I'm the person who has friends and family to whom he wants to give fish, the ones I give them haven't been sitting in the hot sun in warm ocean water made even warmer by their body temperatures.

These Fish were on ice the whole trip

ONLY off ice for the picture

As a matter of fact Captain Nate Brought 3 Sleeves Of Ice which is 24 Bags


08-08-2015, 08:37 PM

I've been fishing with Marc for the past 4-5 years. Some of my best trips have been with him. He's the last guy that will do anything to harm a fishery. He is showing all the people in the ny and NJ area that there is an unknown whiting fishery in NH.

Every year Marc runs a pollack trip where all the fish are donated to the local food bank. I'm talking about a hundreds of pounds of pollack fillets You're barking up the wrong tree here.

08-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Some of these comments crack me up, if you knew the boat then you would know that the fish have plenty of ice and are kept cold the whole trip from first caught to filleting . What a bunch of knit pickers that water is ice cold on every trip I took with them.

By the way those are some nice haddock and thanks for sharing with pic's

Instead of pointing fingers give it a try and if you go and don't like it then complain, till you go you have no idea what you are talking about.
as far as eating whiting they are my number 3 fish to eat.

08-08-2015, 10:10 PM
Looks like an outstanding trip to me! I love me a deep fried split haddock with a few pints of Guinness!

How do you prepare the whiting? I've caught them as by catch off of Montauk and never knew what to do with them...

08-08-2015, 10:52 PM
excellent dipped in flour mix and fried , also great baked or grilled

08-08-2015, 11:20 PM

I've been fishing with Marc for the past 4-5 years. Some of my best trips have been with him. He's the last guy that will do anything to harm a fishery. He is showing all the people in the ny and NJ area that there is an unknown whiting fishery in NH.

Every year Marc runs a pollack trip where all the fish are donated to the local food bank. I'm talking about a hundreds of pounds of pollack fillets You're barking up the wrong tree here.


Please go back to my original post and tell me exactly where I'm attacking Marc who I assume is Capt. James. Read the post before commenting. I explicitly say I'm not questioning the Capt, I'm challenging the regulations. The captain and crew are fishing within the regulations so they can keep 5,000 whiting a trip if they choose. That wasn't my point. You're I assume from New Jersey and if old enough you know as well as I do what happened to the whiting and ling fishery 40-50 years ago. It couldn't be destroyed but was literally overnight. Would hate to see another version of it happen in New Hampshire was my point but at no time did I attack the Captain or his crew.

I remember people dragging 200 - 300 whiting and ling in burlap sacs off the Long Branch pier in the 60's. Whiting washing up on the beach in the winter chasing sand eels because they were so plentiful which is how they got the name frost fish by beaching themselves and freezing on the beach. It was a fishery which couldn't be destroyed yet it was wiped out within a year or two. My comments relate to all that and what happens to a fishery which is assumed can't be over fished and is mismanaged. No one thought whiting and ling would ever disappear, couldn't happen. It's tragic what happened to that fishery. Small mesh commercial guys killed it by netting everything in site in the Mud Hole which is why I said in my original post how long before the commercial guys want their fare share. Again I said nothing negative specifically about the boat, captain or crew and if I did please point it out.

Every fishery on the planet is under pressure and almost every species regulated. In general and we can agree to disagree I personally think keeping that many fish which equates to ~ 170 fillets per person is excessive and wasteful but as I said it's within the regulations and the charter is entitled to keep what they want. That's where I personally think the regulations are wrong which is my opinion. You're entitled to yours as is Hooked Up but his comments would go a lot further if he lost his holier than thou bullshit attitude. As I said don't bitch about a closure down the road when again a fishery which couldn't possibly be destroyed is for the same reasons that killed the fishery in New Jersey many years ago.

Again not to be lost in all this, it's good to see a healthy whiting fishery some where, I hope it doesn't have the same fate of what happened in NJ / NY many years ago.

08-08-2015, 11:34 PM
More pictures of delicious fish please.......can't wait to make it up with you guys in New Hampshire.

Capt Sal
08-09-2015, 08:34 AM

Please go back to my original post and tell me exactly where I'm attacking Marc who I assume is Capt. James. Read the post before commenting. I explicitly say I'm not questioning the Capt, I'm challenging the regulations. The captain and crew are fishing within the regulations so they can keep 5,000 whiting a trip if they choose. That wasn't my point. You're I assume from New Jersey and if old enough you know as well as I do what happened to the whiting and ling fishery 40-50 years ago. It couldn't be destroyed but was literally overnight. Would hate to see another version of it happen in New Hampshire was my point but at no time did I attack the Captain or his crew.

I remember people dragging 200 - 300 whiting and ling in burlap sacs off the Long Branch pier in the 60's. Whiting washing up on the beach in the winter chasing sand eels because they were so plentiful which is how they got the name frost fish by beaching themselves and freezing on the beach. It was a fishery which couldn't be destroyed yet it was wiped out within a year or two. My comments relate to all that and what happens to a fishery which is assumed can't be over fished and is mismanaged. No one thought whiting and ling would ever disappear, couldn't happen. It's tragic what happened to that fishery. Small mesh commercial guys killed it by netting everything in site in the Mud Hole which is why I said in my original post how long before the commercial guys want their fare share. Again I said nothing negative specifically about the boat, captain or crew and if I did please point it out.

Every fishery on the planet is under pressure and almost every species regulated. In general and we can agree to disagree I personally think keeping that many fish which equates to ~ 170 fillets per person is excessive and wasteful but as I said it's within the regulations and the charter is entitled to keep what they want. That's where I personally think the regulations are wrong which is my opinion. You're entitled to yours as is Hooked Up but his comments would go a lot further if he lost his holier than thou bullshit attitude. As I said don't bitch about a closure down the road when again a fishery which couldn't possibly be destroyed is for the same reasons that killed the fishery in New Jersey many years ago.

Again not to be lost in all this, it's good to see a healthy whiting fishery some where, I hope it doesn't have the same fate of what happened in NJ / NY many years ago.

So what! Has nothing to do with the Gulf of Maine. No pressure from netters like was said. The guy is running a business and you think you know everything and have no doubt ''never been there''! The capt. puts the people on the meat and everyone is happy but you but you are not there?????????I am happy for them and it is nice to see his patrons with big smiles and what great pics.

08-09-2015, 08:35 AM
More pictures of delicious fish please.......can't wait to make it up with you guys in New Hampshire.

you will find it worth your time to make a trip up

Blind Squirrel
08-09-2015, 09:13 AM
These Fish were on ice the whole trip

ONLY off ice for the picture

As a matter of fact Captain Nate Brought 3 Sleeves Of Ice which is 24 Bags

I'm hardly one of those "LOTS OF HATERS OUT HERE," and I see from the condition of those fish that they must've been on ice for most of the trip, so kudos for that. I still have a problem with bailing them by the hundreds on a six-pack, and can envision some of them fertilizing a garden or being tossed out.
It simply does not look like responsible stewardship of a previously-failed fishery, and reports like yours will undoubtedly be noticed by the commercial netters, so enjoy it while you still can.

08-09-2015, 09:41 AM
They are within the law and there is no commercial fishery up there, plus the fish are not going to waste. Get a life.:eek: If you do not personally have enough friends and family to give fish to, you could always go to a food bank and provide a treat for less fortunate people who cannot afford to buy fish or go fishing.

08-09-2015, 10:07 AM
Actually their is a sizeable commercial Whiting fishery but they are fishing from 8 miles to 14 miles from Gloucester and Rye

We are fishing DEEP Ledges 17 to 24 miles away. The Gill nets and daggers would get their gear torn up where we are fishing

I have a lot going on over the next month or so but if I can clear my schedule I will book some new trips and give NJ fishing members an opportunity to get in on this fishery

08-09-2015, 10:35 AM
What's a trip like that cost ? Would love to smoke a bunch up

08-09-2015, 10:59 AM
I'm hardly one of those "LOTS OF HATERS OUT HERE," and I see from the condition of those fish that they must've been on ice for most of the trip, so kudos for that. I still have a problem with bailing them by the hundreds on a six-pack, and can envision some of them fertilizing a garden or being tossed out.
It simply does not look like responsible stewardship of a previously-failed fishery, and reports like yours will undoubtedly be noticed by the commercial netters, so enjoy it while you still can.

Thank you and well said....that's all I was trying to articulate in my initial post.

08-09-2015, 11:15 AM

Please go back to my original post and tell me exactly where I'm attacking Marc who I assume is Capt. James. Read the post before commenting. I explicitly say I'm not questioning the Capt, I'm challenging the regulations. The captain and crew are fishing within the regulations so they can keep 5,000 whiting a trip if they choose. That wasn't my point. You're I assume from New Jersey and if old enough you know as well as I do what happened to the whiting and ling fishery 40-50 years ago. It couldn't be destroyed but was literally overnight. Would hate to see another version of it happen in New Hampshire was my point but at no time did I attack the Captain or his crew.

I remember people dragging 200 - 300 whiting and ling in burlap sacs off the Long Branch pier in the 60's. Whiting washing up on the beach in the winter chasing sand eels because they were so plentiful which is how they got the name frost fish by beaching themselves and freezing on the beach. It was a fishery which couldn't be destroyed yet it was wiped out within a year or two. My comments relate to all that and what happens to a fishery which is assumed can't be over fished and is mismanaged. No one thought whiting and ling would ever disappear, couldn't happen. It's tragic what happened to that fishery. Small mesh commercial guys killed it by netting everything in site in the Mud Hole which is why I said in my original post how long before the commercial guys want their fare share. Again I said nothing negative specifically about the boat, captain or crew and if I did please point it out.

Every fishery on the planet is under pressure and almost every species regulated. In general and we can agree to disagree I personally think keeping that many fish which equates to ~ 170 fillets per person is excessive and wasteful but as I said it's within the regulations and the charter is entitled to keep what they want. That's where I personally think the regulations are wrong which is my opinion. You're entitled to yours as is Hooked Up but his comments would go a lot further if he lost his holier than thou bullshit attitude. As I said don't bitch about a closure down the road when again a fishery which couldn't possibly be destroyed is for the same reasons that killed the fishery in New Jersey many years ago.

Again not to be lost in all this, it's good to see a healthy whiting fishery some where, I hope it doesn't have the same fate of what happened in NJ / NY many years ago.

You aren't getting too many allies here even though you were expressing quite valid and non confrontational opinions so let me say, I do understand where you are coming from.. I am 61 and I have SEEN first hand what the "bailing " "slaughtering" " game on" "stupid fishing" mentality results in eventually..
I was guilty, as we ALL were.. Flounder- Hundreds and hundreds on some trips years ago.. Whiting/Ling /Mackerel,Blues/Porgies/Sea Bass/Tog.. the same. Buckets and buckets, and we ALL took them all home, in all sizes,by the dozen, or by the hundreds on "stupid fishing" type days.... Every good fisherman, every decent trip, for years..
Now in the modern age, everything we fished for is decimated, and regulations are here to stay.. I well remember the weakfish in Raritan Bay, and in the channels in the NY Bight.. Guys were fishing all night every night, by the hundreds, and would takes dozens and dozens of huge tiderunners, sometimes hundreds,, I well remember reading the reports in the old NJ Fishermen.. Small private boaters were filling giant coolers FULL of them, and then selling them for about a nickel a pound to pay for the gas for their boats.. They were stacked along those channel edges for years, and then one day they were gone.. Sorry, I don't blame the "commercials" for that . They simply can't stand the type of pressure they are subjected to.. The equation is simple.. Too many fish being killed and eaten..

I will never understand the mindset of the majority on these pages.
WHY do so many good, knowledgeable, conservation minded fishermen blame only commercial fishermen??.. We ARE part of the problem, and we have certainly reaped the "rewards" of too many people taking too many fish..

Many guys these days have a lot of leisure time, and spend most days fishing.. They are great fishermen, and catch many thousands of fish each year, a lot of which are eaten by them, or the often mentioned "family and friends", one of the most conspicuous "pro kill" arguments.

We recreational guys are out there en masse all year, and take a LOT of fish.. Ever see Sandy Hook Bay on a nice July day?.. Thousands of good fishermen, fishing all day every day, where the fluke are spending their summers... We kill a LOT of fish we do it over and over a very wide area... This "recreational fishing can never deplete a fishery" mentality is ludicrous.. We are a big part of the problem guys, and need to face facts and stop the "blame the commercial netters" mindset... They kill too many fish, but so do many of us... A little bit of self control goes a long way.. bob

08-09-2015, 11:56 AM
What's a trip like that cost ? Would love to smoke a bunch up

6 pack trips are $ 150 pet Angler

10 to 12 Hours

Whiting/Ling and Pollack in September

If I charter Eastman Big Boat Approximately $ 100 per angler

08-09-2015, 12:38 PM
You aren't getting too many allies here even though you were expressing quite valid and non confrontational opinions so let me say, I do understand where you are coming from.. I am 61 and I have SEEN first hand what the "bailing " "slaughtering" " game on" "stupid fishing" mentality results in eventually..
I was guilty, as we ALL were.. Flounder- Hundreds and hundreds on some trips years ago.. Whiting/Ling /Mackerel,Blues/Porgies/Sea Bass/Tog.. the same. Buckets and buckets, and we ALL took them all home, in all sizes,by the dozen, or by the hundreds on "stupid fishing" type days.... Every good fisherman, every decent trip, for years..
Now in the modern age, everything we fished for is decimated, and regulations are here to stay.. I well remember the weakfish in Raritan Bay, and in the channels in the NY Bight.. Guys were fishing all night every night, by the hundreds, and would takes dozens and dozens of huge tiderunners, sometimes hundreds,, I well remember reading the reports in the old NJ Fishermen.. Small private boaters were filling giant coolers FULL of them, and then selling them for about a nickel a pound to pay for the gas for their boats.. They were stacked along those channel edges for years, and then one day they were gone.. Sorry, I don't blame the "commercials" for that . They simply can't stand the type of pressure they are subjected to.. The equation is simple.. Too many fish being killed and eaten..

I will never understand the mindset of the majority on these pages.
WHY do so many good, knowledgeable, conservation minded fishermen blame only commercial fishermen??.. We ARE part of the problem, and we have certainly reaped the "rewards" of too many people taking too many fish..

Many guys these days have a lot of leisure time, and spend most days fishing.. They are great fishermen, and catch many thousands of fish each year, a lot of which are eaten by them, or the often mentioned "family and friends", one of the most conspicuous "pro kill" arguments.

We recreational guys are out there en masse all year, and take a LOT of fish.. Ever see Sandy Hook Bay on a nice July day?.. Thousands of good fishermen, fishing all day every day, where the fluke are spending their summers... We kill a LOT of fish we do it over and over a very wide area... This "recreational fishing can never deplete a fishery" mentality is ludicrous.. We are a big part of the problem guys, and need to face facts and stop the "blame the commercial netters" mindset... They kill too many fish, but so do many of us... A little bit of self control goes a long way.. bob


Again well said and agree with everything you stated. With today's technologies and overall fishing pressures there needs to be regulations, the point of contention will always how levels are set. It will always be a bone of contention but without it fisheries simply won't be able to sustain themselves. And I agree with you, recreational has a responsibility in this and contributes as such, it's up to all of us whether we contribute positively or compound the problem. The only caveat I'd add to your post is what I believe ultimately killed the fantastic weakfish fishery was the rampant netting of the tide runner spawners in Delaware Bay. These fish should have been protected and we'd still be enjoying a strong weakfish fishery for trophy fish....imo. I remember 15 to 20 lb weakfish in Sandy Hook back in the 70's and early 80's. I remember one evening trolling for bass with bunker spoons off Staten Island when we hooked up. Thought it was a good bass, ended up being a 17 lb weakfish which we released. There was no more beautiful fish in the ocean, and again it was abused as you say and never rebounded. Regulations are a pain in the ass but imo a necessary evil and yes here to stay.

That being said there needs to be a balance. I'm not a tree hugging conservationist. I'm a realist and like many here have seen too many stocks obliterated. There was a time in my life also when too many fish wasn't a possibility. Everything went in the cooler. Today I take what we can consume and not waste any of the resource. Fresh fish is at the top of the list in our family as well but a conscious effort to not waste any is always factored in.

Enough said. Again Capt James good luck with your business. I enjoyed the pictures as I said I never thought I would see whiting pictures like that again in my lifetime. I hope the fishery holds up and history as experienced in the NY Bight doesn't repeat itself in New Hampshire.

08-09-2015, 02:02 PM
Actually, I am a firm believer in the population factor.. In the NY metro area that many of the members live in, there are 20 million people.. I looked it up.. Places like NH, Virginia,RI,Delaware,the Carolinas, etc don't have this massive population in such a small area.. Much of the pressure from the recreational and commercial fishing element from within this 20 million is aimed directly at the NY Bight region.. I ofetn think thats why the fishing is better for many species is better out on the far end of LI, both north and south shores..
Yes, it gets hit, but not like the NY Bight.. The fishing pressure in our "zone" is probably the greatest out of anywhere in the states...
Same thing happened in california. Great rec fisheries collapsed due to pressure.. Simple equation again.. Too many people killing and eating too many fish. 18 million people in the LA metro area... So now, whats left out there is highly regulated... We aren't that bad yet, but its heading that way... Sadly govt regulations always take the place of self regulation.. Some self control in the 70's and 80's might have helped out.. We'll never know I guess.. I HATE the regulations that are in place on us fishermen... However, I was one of the ones that did NOT practice enough self control when I had the chance.. I took more than I needed on many occassiobs... I know better now that its too late... bob

08-09-2015, 02:33 PM
Captain James does not run the Annie B. Captain Nate does. Like I said Whiting fishing has been good for the last 10 years in NH. It is not anything new.

Blackfish Doug
08-09-2015, 06:42 PM
I agree what a lot of what's said here but what are the people who make these regulations doing about rebuilding the habitat? They say our Sea Bass fishery is totally rebuilt but what about all the bottom structure that was destroyed by the dredging. What are doing about rebuilding that back up. You build that stock back up but where do the fish have to go. It's like trying to fit the entire population of China in RI. Both the recreational fisherman & commercial fisherman do their part but what about the regulators do:confused:

Capt Sal
08-09-2015, 06:47 PM
Total bullshit! if we had that fishery the pb fleet would be making money and the people would keep what ever they could!

08-09-2015, 06:55 PM
Fishark if you ever need a couple of guys let me know. I'll PM you my number.

08-09-2015, 07:34 PM
Fishark if you ever need a couple of guys let me know. I'll PM you my number.

See below.

08-09-2015, 09:54 PM
Total bullshit! if we had that fishery the pb fleet would be making money and the people would keep what ever they could!

We DID have it Sal.. for decades.. You know that.. You were here.
We killed and ate all the whiting in the Bight and now they are scarce.. doesn't matter WHO killed them, us recs, or the draggers.. We ate them, and now they are rare where once they were ridiculously abundant....

08-09-2015, 10:13 PM
Dear Mohawk JD

I am asking you kindly to delete my web site address from NJ Fishing.com. That is not why I am telling the great members about these Whiting trips. I suggested to Phil and Les Eastman to advertise here and I promised them as soon as I can find the time I will book some new trips and save spots for NJ Fishing.com members. The last few years our BEST Whiting fishing was the whole month of October. I have a full time job that only allows me Thursdays and Fridays to fish. I currently have some personal issues I am dealing with. I am hopeful to announce a NEW trip on NJ Fishing within the next 3 to 4 weeks on the Lady Merilee Ann (Eastmans 90 Footer where we will sail with NO MORE than 25 Anglers and I will save as many as 15 spots for members of this site

Stay Tuned

I have no issues selling out trips with my site and I do not want my site address listed here

Thank You


08-10-2015, 08:09 AM
Does anyone believe a change in water temps may have moved the whiting further north? We know they were dragged up by commercials but so were the ling.

08-10-2015, 08:23 AM
From my experience I would say it has NOTHING to do with water temperature. Like I said in a much earlier post Whiting fishing has been fair to good since I moved to MA 11 years ago but the last 4 years it has been improving to the point it is EXCELLENT. I am sure fishing pressure from the local canyons to the NY Bight is the major cause of the lack of Whiting in the NY/NJ area. Just as we have to work within and around the regulations and fish for Cod in NY and NJ I suggest the NY/NJ crowd head north for the Whiting

08-10-2015, 09:08 AM
Total bullshit! if we had that fishery the pb fleet would be making money and the people would keep what ever they could!

As BB already commented, we did have that fishery which was essentially the point of my initial post which you took offense to. Every port in northern NJ, Manasquan, Belmar and Sandy Hook had multiple boats sailing for ling and whiting. It was the staple of the Fall / Winter party boat fishery. Party boats were railed sailing for whiting and ling. I remember the twilight trips which sailed between 5 and 9 which would load up on whiting and ling. You could fish any jetty in Monmouth County or at the inlets in the Fall and catch whiting and ling in numbers. Unlike the Eastman's report, you didn't have to sail 24 miles and fish jagged bottom to put together a catch. Catches on the Long Branch pier were like nothing people will ever see in their lifetime again, it was insane fishing and massive amounts of fish were taken. Guys dragging 2 or 3 burlap bags full of fish a night off the pier. Than the commercial guys chimed in to get their fare share and once they started dragging the Mud Hole and taking every last fish it was over, almost over night. The fishery which would last forever and couldn't be destroyed was GONE. Fifty years later it still hasn't recovered to the extent that up until a few years ago you didn't see a whiting in our local waters. Most people wouldn't even know what they were if they caught one incidentally.

That was the only reason I made my initial post which rubbed some people the wrong way. Capt Sal, you say I'm a know it all, tell me where any of my facts are wrong as opposed to you just being another critical observer on the board trying to stir the pot. My comments about creel limits are my opinion and nothing more, I'd respect yours or anyone else's as just that....opinions. I'm sure my comments touched a nerve since you're a charter Captain but I never attacked the Captain, Eastman's fleet, or the crew in my post. It was all about regulations to save a fish we haven't seen in 50 years. History repeats itself is what we've all learned and if there's a viable fishery in New Hampshire someone will find a way to exploit it and I'm not talking about (1) six pack charter. I pray these stocks continue to flourish and maybe one day the biomass grows to a point and condition exist which prompts some of the stock to migrate east and maybe rebuild the once mighty fishery many old timers enjoyed. It's nothing less than tragic what happened to the whiting fishery, as I said I hope we can all learn from our past mistakes.

08-10-2015, 09:19 AM
From my experience I would say it has NOTHING to do with water temperature. Like I said in a much earlier post Whiting fishing has been fair to good since I moved to MA 11 years ago but the last 4 years it has been improving to the point it is EXCELLENT. I am sure fishing pressure from the local canyons to the NY Bight is the major cause of the lack of Whiting in the NY/NJ area. Just as we have to work within and around the regulations and fish for Cod in NY and NJ I suggest the NY/NJ crowd head north for the Whiting

Captain I couldn't agree more. Water temperatures might move the fish a bit but had nothing to do with the collapse or lack of recovery. I fished a Canyon trip last year in early October out of Shark River. We ran to the Hudson and went through the Mud Hole to get there. As we did we ran across miles of spike whiting floating dead on the surface from draggers, 3 - 4 inch fish! I couldn't &$%^#$% believe what I was seeing. There was a post some time ago about someone who saw that size whiting in the super market, believe it was King's. There is no way whiting will ever rebound locally until they are protected with regulations and managed properly. Otherwise what could possibly be the greatest fishery ever will never return. The NY Bight has the environment, it has the bait, it has everything whiting need to sustain the fishery short a management plan....period. An absolute shame to turn our backs on a public resource so that a few commercial interests can exploit it for their personal gain. Where have we heard that before. I'm not against commercial guys making a living from the sea as long as it's not at the expense of the general public who has every right to enjoy the same resource or at the expense of the fishery itself.

08-10-2015, 09:50 AM
Just as an FYI

The commercial Whiting season in NH starts in early July and I believe ends in early September.

I hope all of you will join me on an upcoming Whiting trip when I announce it. I also have a special discounted hotel rate for off season rates of $ 59.10 plus tax. Place is VERY clean and has 2 beds per room. I am looking forward to having lots of new fishing friends in the near future

Capt Sal
08-10-2015, 09:55 AM
As BB already commented, we did have that fishery which was essentially the point of my initial post which you took offense to. Every port in northern NJ, Manasquan, Belmar and Sandy Hook had multiple boats sailing for ling and whiting. It was the staple of the Fall / Winter party boat fishery. Party boats were railed sailing for whiting and ling. I remember the twilight trips which sailed between 5 and 9 which would load up on whiting and ling. You could fish any jetty in Monmouth County or at the inlets in the Fall and catch whiting and ling in numbers. Unlike the Eastman's report, you didn't have to sail 24 miles and fish jagged bottom to put together a catch. Catches on the Long Branch pier were like nothing people will ever see in their lifetime again, it was insane fishing and massive amounts of fish were taken. Guys dragging 2 or 3 burlap bags full of fish a night off the pier. Than the commercial guys chimed in to get their fare share and once they started dragging the Mud Hole and taking every last fish it was over, almost over night. The fishery which would last forever and couldn't be destroyed was GONE. Fifty years later it still hasn't recovered to the extent that up until a few years ago you didn't see a whiting in our local waters. Most people wouldn't even know what they were if they caught one incidentally.

That was the only reason I made my initial post which rubbed some people the wrong way. Capt Sal, you say I'm a know it all, tell me where any of my facts are wrong as opposed to you just being another critical observer on the board trying to stir the pot. My comments about creel limits are my opinion and nothing more, I'd respect yours or anyone else's as just that....opinions. I'm sure my comments touched a nerve since you're a charter Captain but I never attacked the Captain, Eastman's fleet, or the crew in my post. It was all about regulations to save a fish we haven't seen in 50 years. History repeats itself is what we've all learned and if there's a viable fishery in New Hampshire someone will find a way to exploit it and I'm not talking about (1) six pack charter. I pray these stocks continue to flourish and maybe one day the biomass grows to a point and condition exist which prompts some of the stock to migrate east and maybe rebuild the once mighty fishery many old timers enjoyed. It's nothing less than tragic what happened to the whiting fishery, as I said I hope we can all learn from our past mistakes.

Because you are old enough to remember does make you an expert on this subject. The fact is the draggers crushed the fishery not hook and line. At the end of our hay day whiting and ling run we had to fish 17 Fathoms on the rocks and sticky stuff. The reason was the netters could not could not get in there with out losing there gear. We also had sand eels in great numbers. With no whiting and ling on open bottom chasing sand eels in the mud hole the Bluefin tuna including giants pass us by and stay up north. I agree it is tragic but recreational fisherman are not the culprits. There is no pressure in NH like here in Jersey and they have a good whiting fishery so let them enjoy it. By the way it wasn't 50 years ago!!!!!!!!

08-10-2015, 10:34 AM
Capt Sal,

As I said, recreational fishing will almost never by itself destroy a fishery. Agree draggers not only destroyed it they did so at light speed. Completely agree about the BFT migratory impact of all this, giants had nothing to feed on in the hole and it changed their migratory routes after the collapse. I hope the current fishery in NH doesn't meet the same fate. If there's a buck to be made, some politician will sell their soles at the expense of the resource. The take away from what happened here is not just the fact the fishery was destroyed, but the speed in which it was destroyed. No matter how healthy that fishery or any fishery is, for a stock which concentrates in a somewhat specific area with today's technology any species can be wiped out in a relatively short period of time. Again I hope the GOM stock has a completely different outcome.

In my post I said 40 - 50 years ago......maybe it was 35! Doesn't change the fact it was destroyed by greed and not mismanagement but no management!

08-10-2015, 11:17 AM
What is amazing other than me and about a TOTAL of 30 of my members out of 600 NO ONE CARES to even fish for Whiting.

They consider Whiting a small step above Ling as far as TRASH fish

Over the last 3 years you can count ZERO boats fishing for Whiting. The closest I have seen a recreational boat is about 2 miles away and they were fishing for Haddock.

08-10-2015, 11:27 AM
Surprising but GOOD. Both whiting and ling are very good table fare, maybe not as good as haddock but very good nonetheless.

08-10-2015, 11:35 AM

I hope to see a lot of you soon. You will be AMAZED how great the fishing is and it is not as far as you think. About 5 1/2 hours from NJ South about 6 1/2

My friends from Queens get to Eastman in 4 hours or less

Capt. JJ
08-10-2015, 12:48 PM
Are there any smoke houses left in Jersey that will do the old deal we used to have where we split our catch with them, 50-50, and got delicious, smoked, whiting for our families?

If there are, sign me up for a trip!!!!!!!!


08-10-2015, 01:04 PM


Boy, those were the days in the 50's-70's. There was so much whiting and ling that people threw back the ling. Garbage cans full of baseball bats and nothing easier to clean, bake, and pull off the bone.

If a Noreaster came up, the whiting wound up on the beach frozen and all you had to do was pick them up.

That was when a fisherman could easily feed his family and half the people on his block. There would be carloads of guys from Newark, Irvington, Hillside, Union, Eliz, Linden, etc heading down the parkway (or Route 1&9 to beat the $1.00 in tolls) to fish the party boats or Long Branch Pier.

Christmas was always with whiting on the table thanks to the great runs that would start around Thanksgiving.

08-10-2015, 01:21 PM
Nothing better than catching Whiting in the Summer. Keep in mind we are fishing from 250 minimum to 400 feet. 50 lb braid with 10 feet of mono leader. Tides are not strong. Usually 8 to 12 ounces will suffice. The other thing that may surprise most of you our best Whiting fishing is on the anchor NOT drifting

08-10-2015, 03:14 PM
Anymore pics?? I didn't even bother to read any of the comments! :D:rolleyes::D

Capt Sal
08-10-2015, 03:45 PM


Boy, those were the days in the 50's-70's. There was so much whiting and ling that people threw back the ling. Garbage cans full of baseball bats and nothing easier to clean, bake, and pull off the bone.

If a Noreaster came up, the whiting wound up on the beach frozen and all you had to do was pick them up.

That was when a fisherman could easily feed his family and half the people on his block. There would be carloads of guys from Newark, Irvington, Hillside, Union, Eliz, Linden, etc heading down the parkway (or Route 1&9 to beat the $1.00 in tolls) to fish the party boats or Long Branch Pier.

Christmas was always with whiting on the table thanks to the great runs that would start around Thanksgiving.

Boy are you giving your age away lol 50/50 split at Leroys.New Years day 1979 I had 140 whiting myself. Everyone was eaten by my family! When I grew up fishing it was all about the table. Ikilled one striper in the last five years but I would take as many whiting as I could because I have a hughe smoker and whiting have just the right amount of oil in them .Ever eat smoked yellowfin belly? The best!!!!

bunker dunker
08-10-2015, 04:15 PM
ya had to watch old Leroy.i dropped off a bunch of yellowfin bellies to be smoked and when I went back to get them he had them in the case for 11.00
bucks a pound.he made good for it though.that smoke house was going all thru the winter.used to get off the mistake II and drive right to Leroy and trade
out 2 for 1 on the smoked whiting.

08-10-2015, 07:13 PM
Anymore pics?? I didn't even bother to read any of the comments! :D:rolleyes::D

That's it for now

My next Whiting Trip is on 8/20 and it is sold out but I Hope To Be ANNOUNCING one soon for NJ members