Capt Sal
08-02-2015, 09:47 PM
Hit the free beach in Melbourne at sun up. Tarpon busting on bait and putting on a show.A guy in a kayak hooked up put the yak on the beach and fought the tarpon from shore. After sum spectacular jumps and 30 mins.he landed the tarpon about 80lbs. Great job in a spinning rod and a live bait. We got some pompano and"" whiting'' we call them kingfish. Great eating and the trip is in my price range. Free beach access,one bag of frozen clams and one gallon of gas for the truck lol
Aug 14 is Grande Isle Louisiana to fish the oil rigs with my son Capt Jamey! Can't wait . Ten pound mangrove snappers are common and the Cobia are snapping. 30 bucks each per night in the fish camp and 3 bucks a pound for shrimp fresh off the shrimp trawlers! Between the beer and the shrimp I will have to double up on the gout pills lol
Aug 14 is Grande Isle Louisiana to fish the oil rigs with my son Capt Jamey! Can't wait . Ten pound mangrove snappers are common and the Cobia are snapping. 30 bucks each per night in the fish camp and 3 bucks a pound for shrimp fresh off the shrimp trawlers! Between the beer and the shrimp I will have to double up on the gout pills lol