View Full Version : Andreas Toy Inshore Trip for Bob James Birthday

Andreas Toy
08-01-2015, 06:21 PM
Second Birthday trip of the week! Had Bob up from Alabama with long
Time buddy Bud and family members Scott and Collin. Started bottom fishing
And had some ling to start the day. Made our way to the hole and started sharking, had some bites and the Brown sharks started with Bob landing the first
Around 4 feet long, had some more bites and looked for Mahi on the pots, water still Dirty. Hit some more wrecks in the hole and Bob got a nice lobster. Good guys To spend the day with!

Andreas Toy
08-01-2015, 06:22 PM
Nice lobster

08-02-2015, 06:36 AM
A lobster?
You really produce,what's next oyster apps lol