Big Mohawk
07-29-2015, 06:51 PM
July 29, 2015
we beat the heat today and it was a great day out
on the ocean. It only got hot for a little bit. The light
south wind kept it cool and the fishing was good. At
least 1/2 dozen guys had limits. The pool fish was right
around 7lbs. A lot of fish were taken on spinners and gulp.
It was 1oo% improvement over yesterday. Our schedule is as follows;
thursday 7am until 3pm
friday 7am until 3pm
saturday 6am until 2pm
sunday 6am until 2pm.
we beat the heat today and it was a great day out
on the ocean. It only got hot for a little bit. The light
south wind kept it cool and the fishing was good. At
least 1/2 dozen guys had limits. The pool fish was right
around 7lbs. A lot of fish were taken on spinners and gulp.
It was 1oo% improvement over yesterday. Our schedule is as follows;
thursday 7am until 3pm
friday 7am until 3pm
saturday 6am until 2pm
sunday 6am until 2pm.