View Full Version : big fluke 7-29

07-29-2015, 04:23 PM
Pushed off the dock at 930 for a few hours of fluking with my old man. Ran right back to where we have had consistent action the past 2 weeks(chapel hill area) , and it was a barren wasteland! Perfect drift, but no bait marks on the machine, and no fluke bites. Bounced from buoy to buoy fishing the edges, the deep, the flats, you name it, no bites! Started to get nervous and we were getting ready to call it a day but then my dad hooks into a solid fish(38ft). Takes drag, runs all over the place, ( i thought it was one of those rays ) but it turned out to be a super thick 27 inch fluke... Nice! after that, dead again. Ran back to the honey hole for the incoming tide and the bait was there, and so were the bites! jigged 5 more keepers to 22 inches along with some "jumbo" shorts (17/17.5inches) and called it a day. Big fish ate a new penny 6inch grub, the rest ate neon 6inch grubs. Not to much love on the pink shine this year for whatever reason. Will post pictures as soon as i get them.
PS: Short fluke LOVE squid, rod holder caught a dozen shorts all on squid strips.

Gerry Zagorski
07-29-2015, 04:29 PM
Nice to hear of some big fish coming out to play.

07-29-2015, 04:39 PM
yeah, sadly i also learned not to fish with 20lb leaders

07-29-2015, 06:06 PM
pics 87074


shrimpman steve
07-29-2015, 07:47 PM
Probably no love on the pink shine because I bought 10 bags :D

07-29-2015, 07:49 PM
Same here shrimpy, i bought 20 bags to begin this season, only used 2 bags this far, and i fluke almost everyday.

07-29-2015, 08:29 PM
Nice to see some bigger fish being caught!

07-29-2015, 08:44 PM
yeah, sadly i also learned not to fish with 20lb leaders

Way to get um Kev.