View Full Version : mad gaffer 7/28 fluking report

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
07-28-2015, 04:08 PM
concentrated a little bit more on the fluke today, we wound up with some really nice ones several 5 pound fish were taking and a few more keepers as well .We had a very small crowd. We also wound up with some nice sea bass John Kungl had one of the biggest sea bass (6 1/4 lbs. ) of the year along with the 3 1/2 pounds winter flounder along with another nice Seabass and some ling , while Ron Wingo and Alan teal both scored a few big fluke both with fish 5 pounds plus along with other keepers, and sea bass, and ling. It Was a wonderful day to beat the heat. we will be open both fishing the rest of the week including Saturday. Call for information and reservations