View Full Version : Party boat Angler BIG FLUKE and what a weekend

captain george angler
07-26-2015, 07:19 PM
All last week was good fluking as more and more fluke left the ocean to put the feed bag on. Friday started the weekend off with our best beat down of the year with loads of limits and big fish. A lot of boats followed but we were on the meat. Saturday was limits again with big fluke but a mob of boats. Today we had to look in some new areas after yesterdays pounding. The stern did best numbers wise with a limit for Jose who also had a nice 8 pounder.

The fish of the day and the weekend was a 30 inch beauty that weighed 9 # 13oz just missing the money in our big pool but it now leads.We weighed the fish on a boga scale and it was over 10 pounds but only 9# 13 oz on the official dock scale. Bill Chiavarini new it was a beauty right away and it is his PB. His dad Pony Tail Bill taught him well and he has had the big pool lead many times this year. He has also had a lot of 10 pounders with me.

7:30 sailing on Monday. No galley till Thursday.

Chartered on Friday.

BIG POOL OVER $2700 If you think you are a big fluke specialist come give it a try.

Thanks captain George

captain george angler
07-26-2015, 07:28 PM
Here are a few more limits and pictures from this weekend.

07-26-2015, 08:04 PM
Nice to see the flukies starting to show up in good numbers and your customers smiling faces. Congrats Bill Chiavarini on the new big pool and beauty of a fish. Looks like the usual suspects are up to there bucktailing best, congrats Jose, Archie, Jim and the rest of the cast.
The Gorski's and John must be filleting overtime, wonder if Big Joe has had time to eat with all the filleting and netting going on - :D

Is it just coincidence since I havent fished with you in a couple of weeks your catching and numbers are starting to take off- ;)

Dont worry I wont kill the bite for a couple of more weeks and try leave my stank at home

Great job Capt. G and crew

Be Well - Be Safe - Fish On


Jim C
07-26-2015, 08:19 PM
Congratulations to Bill Jr. on a fine catch and a new pool leader. Sorry you missed the 10 lb. mark but 9lb 13oz is not a bad place to be. I know how it feels and wish you luck but the target is on your back now Bill :D Again great job.

Just want to say thanks to Capt. and crew for a great week of fishing on the Angler with three limits this past week I be back soon. As I am looking for that 10 lb. fish too, and that mad dog bite we had Friday again, Capt. George, you are the man. Jim Custer