Big Mohawk
07-26-2015, 01:28 PM
July 26, 2015
we got off to a good start today. We had some nice fish.
There were limits around the boat today. Most guys got
a couple of fish. The pool fis was right around 7 lbs. We
had a lot of short action mixed in. We also had some nice
sea bass to round out the mix. We will be headed out at 6am
tomorrow. 7am on tuesday.
we got off to a good start today. We had some nice fish.
There were limits around the boat today. Most guys got
a couple of fish. The pool fis was right around 7 lbs. We
had a lot of short action mixed in. We also had some nice
sea bass to round out the mix. We will be headed out at 6am
tomorrow. 7am on tuesday.