View Full Version : mudhole help

07-21-2015, 12:44 PM
Hi All,

Just moved up from Maryland and im getting a little bored fishing fluke. I hear the mudhole is a great place to fish that is easily accessible, hold game fish and is half the distance of the canyons. Can anyone recommend me the style of fishing to do out there. i.e. am i better off trolling, chumming, chunking, should i anchor-up, or drift. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also if someone could pm me some areas to try, I would be very grateful.

Thanks for the help,


07-21-2015, 02:57 PM
If you want Mahi troll the pots and look for fish on them. If you see a concentration of fish, chum and throw bucktails and live killies.

07-21-2015, 05:11 PM
the weather is getting hot so this time of year you will get bluefish, small hammerhead, mahi, ..if the water is clean skipjack and tuna ! if the water is green and murky it can be a long day in the mudhole. all those things you said work.. bring some ballyhoo to troll.. maybe some live baits.. small spro jigs for the mahi.. if you do light chum slick you can get some bluefish, sharks, maybe a mahi behind the boat.. use smaller ballyhoo on the troll .. good luck you have twin screws? if so better to aim for the clean water instead of the spots

07-21-2015, 05:23 PM
u can just drift near any life you see, put one live bait out, put one chunk out, have one guy throw couple chunks, one guy jig.. you can put a shark rod out.. etc real easy you might just catch bluefish but thats the risk if you only run 17 miles .. you can catch anything in there though on the right day.. i used to fish it all the time i had a center console and that was my range .. also as said ealier look under anything floats for mahis

07-21-2015, 11:01 PM
This goes back a few years, maybe a few more then that but I caught yellowfin 70-90 plus lbs at the slough. I think about 22 miles,from MI! Was July-sept so. Anything is possible Bring a little bit of everything , troll bait jigs etc

Blackfish Doug
07-22-2015, 06:35 AM
On Monday on the Paramount we saw a huge Hammerhead it had to be 300+.
All the advice you got here is dead on but I would venture more towards the slough or monster ledge. Both those areas are really good areas for big game as well if not better & not much further depending on where your port is.

Capt. Debbie
07-22-2015, 11:17 AM
The Mudhole is a huge area. Inside is Monster Ledge with the deepest water- about 280-290. Further out in the Mudhole is the Glory Hole. That's another hit or miss with monsters or just ordinary bluefish you could have caught a mile off the beach. Then to SE of that is Chicken Canyon. THen Triple Wrecks and Baccardi and then Texas Tower. AT that point you're in striking distance of the West Wall of Hudson Canyon.

The Mudhole is the crater coming out of the NY Bight that points at Hudson Canyon. An offshore chart will show the pattern.

Oft times that can be a 50 mile round trip for chopper bluefish too.

ON good days where you can run 30 knots and hit then all in less that two hours. But be prepared. You are WAY out of VHF range to shore out there.

All food for thought. Buddy up with another boat?

07-22-2015, 11:57 AM
Greatly appreciate all the feedback and help. If we decide to do the trip, i will deff let you guys know how it goes.
