View Full Version : FinTazTic ::: Better Fluke Fishing Today::: FinTazTic

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
07-19-2015, 11:04 AM
Just spoke with Capt. Tom and he they are having a much better day than yesterday . There are a bunch if Skates and Sorts Round but when you fish thru them the are some nice keepers. He has a bunch in the boat now. I will give you a update later with some pictures. We have opening this week see the open boat page or the mid week fluke special.

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
07-19-2015, 05:57 PM
Just a few of the fluke caught today on the fintaztic with Capt.Tom and Frank the Mate

07-19-2015, 06:11 PM
way too go nice catch guys.enjoyed last trip out with with new capt.and mate great team to fish with.