View Full Version : COD Ling Flounder trip on Russian Roulette

EEL killer
07-18-2015, 01:31 PM
As posted by Steve :Awesome fishing yesterday on Russian Roulette. Started off way offshore, found a pick of cod, keepers and shorts. Capt. Denis up to his usual in not sparing any expense looking around trying to find the spot. Boated several market size Cod. Endangered ocean pout seemed to be just about everywhere we went.
After having a nice cooler with several cod iced up, Capt. Denis, decided to head to one of his spots for some other quarry.
Settled down for the ride, only to awaken to "let's go". Changed over to some different type of rigs, baited up with gulp and clams. Immediately my rod and the other 5 anglers on board had their rods bending over. Bamm, up come some really nice Ling. It wasn't long afterwards that one of my most favorite fish to catch comes over the rail. A nice fat 18-1/2" Winter Flounder. Was amazed to see this fish inhale a 5/0 gami hook. Then, David Man has his rod pumping which could only mean one thing......there's more here. Up, over the rail, bamm, 19", on the tape scale, another winter flounder.
Now I'm pumped up. Get into my sniper stance (lol), as previous comments made about my pose have been circulating among my friends, and just like that, get that bam, bam, bam as, I'm bouncing the sinker in order to get his attention, and it's game on. Just love using a light conventional setup when targeting these fish. Capt. Denis knows right away that I'm hooked up with what I came for, and came down the ladder, stood right next to me, and grabbed a hold of the sinker while carefully lifting the fish into the boat. From there it was lights out. Lots of nice medium to large Ling, and a boat limit of Winter Flounder. Most of these fish were at or exceeded the minimum fluke length. Had one inhale a 4" strip of bergall, intended for a big Ling. Saw another caught on a 5/0 baited with a whole clam.
Another day, another memory. Thanks for Arthur for setting up this trip. Special thank you for yet another great trip aboard the Russian Roulette and mate Steven. Back at the dock, raised more than a few eyebrows with the smallmouth flatties......