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View Full Version : Big Jamaica Friday Report - Night Blues Tonight

07-17-2015, 04:12 PM
Friday Report
Bluefishing was good again today. We caught bluefish and mackerel. Everyone had a good catch.
Recent pool winners were:
Alex Hansen from Roxbury NJ with a 4lb bluefish
Bill Kelly from Manasquan NJ with a bluefish
Zack Delphi from Holt wood PA.
It looks good for the weekend.
There is a good spread of fish and they have stayed in the same area for several days. There are also loads of sandeels in the area which the blues feed on.
The Jamaica is scheduled to sail every day at 730am.
Night trips will sail Friday and Saturday night at 730pm.
Family Fun Fishing Trips are scheduled to sail every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 430pm.
There is a Fishing and Fireworks trip sailing Thursday night from 5PM to 10PM.
For further information call 732 528 5014 or go to our website at www.bigjamaica.com

Photos at Facebook