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View Full Version : Any Shark River Crabbing Reports?

07-15-2015, 04:56 PM
Going to try and introduce my son to crabbing tomorrow. Anyone been getting any in Shark River. Going to be taking our boat out tomorrow in search of some.

Slip It In
07-16-2015, 01:02 PM
Ask the person who stole my crab pot I left for the day while I went offshore last weekend. He or she would know.:mad:

Few weeks ago I got a pot full of Asian crabs, no blue claws.

Pete T
Shark River Municipal Marina

07-16-2015, 02:29 PM
If in search of blue claws avoid the Shark River...pretty much void of them. Maybe consider hitting up a boat rental in the Barnegat Bay. Dock Outfitters just over the 37 bridge has them. Red Bank area is likely good too but I don't crab over there. I've never used them but they seem good. I usually just go to the 5th Ave pier in Seaside and use handlines with chicken thighs and usually out-crab the folks using bunker/cages and nets. Although I have not gotten there yet this year the reports have been pretty good lately. Good luck!

07-16-2015, 02:30 PM
here is a helpful link https://www.bluecrab.info/forum/index.php?board=87.0

07-17-2015, 09:47 AM
Only spider crabs and asian crabs in that river (very few blue claws). You're better off going to either the navesink river or the manasquan river. Navesink is a little better, plus they have rental boats by the oceanic bridge where i've done really well. Use handlines with chicken. They always catch more than the traps in my opinion. Good luck. I'll probably be out crabbing sometime soon on my kayak.