View Full Version : Hi-Mar Striper Club June and July Charitable Trips on The Seahorse

Tuna Tales
07-14-2015, 09:01 PM
Just want to thank everyone who has donated and supported to the Hi-Mar Striper Club...from our Fishing Flea Market to our Spring Tournament - all of your donations and support help fund our kids and veterans/active military fishing trips.

A special thanks to the crew of The Seahorse for making sure everyone has a great time!

On June 21st we held our Hooked on Fishing - Not on Drugs fishing trip on The Seahorse. Everyone had a great time. The photo with the large Fluke sign is from that trip.

On July 12th we held our Big Brothers - Big Sisters trip on The Seahorse. Another great time with good weather. The smiles on the kids faces says it all.

Again...on behalf on the Hi-Mar Striper Club - THANK YOU to everyone for making these trips happen.

I will post our future trips for July - September as well.

Good fishing,

Joe T.

Gerry Zagorski
07-16-2015, 07:19 AM
All the thanks go out to you and the club Joey. I know you guys work hard on fund raising all year to support events like this. Nice to see those efforts and funds going to support the community.

Tip of the cap to Captain Jack Bevans and the crew of the Sea Horse too.

It's people like you all that set an example for others and restore our faith in humanity.

Great job!!