View Full Version : Dangerous Weekend Warrior Boating
07-13-2015, 08:18 AM
Being on the water every day you get to see a lot of crazy stuff that people do, especially on summer weekends. People cutting across your bow by a narrow margin while you're underway when it would be safer to cross your stern, children riding on the bow of the boat with their legs dangling over the water as their father speeds along, giant sport boats throwing a massive wake through a dense fleet of smaller boats drifting for fluke. We saw all of that and more yesterday.
Some of it is ignorance of general rules of the road, some of it is stupidity and some of it is moronic arrogance that crosses the line into downright dangerous boating that could get someone killed.
Well, the boat "CAMMY'S DAD" out of our harbor was all of the above yesterday. The operator of that vessel was as close as you can get to a criminal act of negligent seamanship that I've ever seen. He is very lucky nobody was injured.
As we approached the cut in our harbor "CAMMY'S DAD" overtook us from our stern at high speed at an extremley close distance throwing a dangerous wake as he passed between us and some other small boats. He had difficulty controlling his own boat as he passed in front of our bow. It was absolutely ridiculous in it's stupidity and beyond the pale of bad seamanship. All so he could get in front of us and get back to his slip 10 seconds earlier.
I'm calling this guy out publicly for safety reasons.
Be advised, NJFishing community. When you see the roughly 36 foot express sport boat "CAMMY'S DAD" be on guard. The operator of that vessel is a dangerous boater.
07-13-2015, 08:51 AM
I wish I had a video of the chaos in the Manasquan River yesterday, was on the dock at Hoffman's waiting to see if anyone caught any makos for the tournament, the railroad bridge closed and it was obvious who the inexperienced boaters were. People need to slow the eff down, there were a lot of close calls and I'm surprised there were no collisions with all the racing around going on waiting for the bridge to reopen.
07-13-2015, 09:21 AM
The very reason my brother and I, our last few years of boat ownership were only Weekday boaters and fishermen.
Luckily we could fish a few times a week from April thru November.
It just gets too dangerous with all the crazies out there on summer weekends.
If you tell someone to get their kids' legs in, or slow down or whatever, you're greeted with a one-finger salute.
Glad I'm retired from boat ownership with a-holes like Cammy's Dad out there.
Fishin Dude
07-13-2015, 09:45 AM
Yep, a lot of yahoos out there at the helm. Sent times I think " The bigger the boat, the bigger the A$$&%#@" . During the summer months when I seen saftey checks being done in Barnegate Bay or in the Manasquan River, the authorities are always checking the small craft, yet letting larger vessels past by unmolested. I guess you need to be careful about who you board and bust balls so some Rich guy with "connections" doesn't get you transferred from your cool job on the water. I'm sure some of those "Recreational Captains" never bothered to go to the certification class.
With that said, its boats of all sizes acting selfishly out there too, we have all seen it. I wish I could only fish weekdays, but I've got to wait another 6 years until I retire for that, if I don't get fed up and sell the boat before then.
shrimpman steve
07-13-2015, 10:11 AM
I wod have met him at his slip and "had a discussion"!
Capt. Kevin
07-13-2015, 10:43 AM
I did!!!
07-13-2015, 11:13 AM
They think a boat is a car and they are driving aggressively in traffic on the GSP. Just plain dumb and dangerous! The CG should get there azz!
07-13-2015, 11:20 AM
I will second the issue with Cammy's Dad. Saw the boat come thru the fleet around the point of the hook in the area of Green 17 and had same issue. he threw a massive wake as he sped thru the fleet. I have a 32 ft center console and was bounced around on it. Never mind the 20 something footers in the area and even Schupp rental boats!
People like that shouldn't be on the water.
07-13-2015, 11:23 AM
Very sad to say a friend of a friend learned a VERY difficult leason a few years back when he took out another friends kids with his own. A kid fell off the side of the boat & was sucked under by the engines. He was killed instantly. I hate to even mention this story as an innocent kid lost his life & a man's conscience will forever be guilty.
Let it bet a cautionary tale. Boating is awesome fun. Just be safe. Parents if you sent your kids off with someone else to go fishing, boating or whatever, please make sure you know who it is, that they're responsible & have a license.
I hope I never hear another story like this again. Sadly I know eventually we all will. :(
Be safe guys & when you see something like this - speak up even if you get the 1 finger salute. That blood won't be on your hands for not speaking up.
07-13-2015, 11:38 AM
I did!!!
Good Job. Hopefully an ass reaming from a commercial guy carry's some weight as to just how much of an ******* he was. Like other posters have mentioned, this is why I avoid weekends like the plague unless its very early or very late in the season.
Gerry Zagorski
07-13-2015, 12:05 PM
Email him this article
07-13-2015, 12:28 PM
Was out couple weeks ago, off about 10 miles or so on a six pack charter. Anchored up, no one in sight. Low and behold, up comes a local dive boat. So they wanted to get on the piece we were on. I'm like really, the entire ocean, this is the only piece worth diving on. After donuting the spot for like 20 minutes, they cross ever so close to our bow, mind you we are clearly anchored up. Captain starts calling on radio to be careful, your right over our anchor line. No responese. Next thing ya know, they drop anchor right along side of us. Mind you, we are swaying left to right with the breeze and current. I'm saying to myself, this should be interesting. We continue to catch fish, and at one one point captain of boat I was on yells over to warn the captain of the dive boat to inform his divers about our anchor line, which is tightening and slacking up due to the currents. Other captain says it's ok. Suddenly, we look down, and to our amazement, there are bubbles coming up all around the boat! Port side, starboard side, stern and bow. They are litterally swimming directly under the boat. All fishing suddenly stopped(womder why). After witnessing this for like 20 minutes or so, we evr so cautiously pulled up on the anchor and left the area.
My point is, there is a lot of stupid people around today and I think common sense and curtosity(or lack of) contributes more and more to this. Youy see it everyday, all around, on land, inshore, offshore and yes, up in the air.
I am not a diver, however I've always had a great interest in the hobby. One thing I do know for sure. That is if I was on a dive charter, the last thing I would want other than the main dive line I am descending down upon, would be to swin under an anchored fishing boat with six fisherman bouncing 10 oz. sinkers and an anchor rope become taugh and slack. I snapped a few photos of the boat as well as the bubbles from all around the boat. However, out of respect towards the captain whose boat I was aboard as well as not embarrasing the other boat, I'll keep those pics to myself, filed away in the stupid folder and joining a few other wild acts I've encountered in the last several years.
STUPID, don't attempt to fix it, trust me, I've tried.
07-13-2015, 01:10 PM
The Point Pleasant RR Bridge is idiot central. I don't know how many times a kayaker, jetski or skiff has cut in front of a 100 ft steel boat immediately in front of that narrow passage.
broken bobber
07-13-2015, 03:42 PM
NJSP can put a permanent station between the gas docks on the Shrewsbury River and write enough tickets to pay for the department budget for the year...
07-13-2015, 06:00 PM
The Point Pleasant RR Bridge is idiot central. I don't know how many times a kayaker, jetski or skiff has cut in front of a 100 ft steel boat immediately in front of that narrow passage.
It was horrible on Sunday when that bridge opened back up, but when the Paramount returned from their trip, captain blew his horn and steamed right through all of the idiots that were screwing around, was a good sight to see them all scatter to get out of his way.
07-13-2015, 07:09 PM
Glad Frances got through them. There have been some close calls the part few years, especially with yaks.
skate king
07-13-2015, 07:31 PM
I did!!!
Called him out and it was the right thing to do! Maybe he will come away with something positive for future trips!
Reel Class
07-13-2015, 07:53 PM
Being on the water every day you get to see a lot of crazy stuff that people do, especially on summer weekends. People cutting across your bow by a narrow margin while you're underway when it would be safer to cross your stern, children riding on the bow of the boat with their legs dangling over the water as their father speeds along, giant sport boats throwing a massive wake through a dense fleet of smaller boats drifting for fluke. We saw all of that and more yesterday.
Some of it is ignorance of general rules of the road, some of it is stupidity and some of it is moronic arrogance that crosses the line into downright dangerous boating that could get someone killed.
Well, the boat "CAMMY'S DAD" out of our harbor was all of the above yesterday. The operator of that vessel was as close as you can get to a criminal act of negligent seamanship that I've ever seen. He is very lucky nobody was injured.
As we approached the cut in our harbor "CAMMY'S DAD" overtook us from our stern at high speed at an extremley close distance throwing a dangerous wake as he passed between us and some other small boats. He had difficulty controlling his own boat as he passed in front of our bow. It was absolutely ridiculous in it's stupidity and beyond the pale of bad seamanship. All so he could get in front of us and get back to his slip 10 seconds earlier.
I'm calling this guy out publicly for safety reasons.
Be advised, NJFishing community. When you see the roughly 36 foot express sport boat "CAMMY'S DAD" be on guard. The operator of that vessel is a dangerous boater.
Instead of posting this here, you should notify Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook about what you witnessed and the apparent danger to your fares. Posting this here does little to no good, and I'm sure if you speak to the commanding officer they can locate the vessel and contact the captain and have a little discussion with him/her about safe boating practices.
Our CG guys do that down here REGULARLY and will follow up if a legit concern is voiced to them. This is their job and this is why the USCG and NJ State Police ENFORCE maritime safety rules!!
If not the USCG, contact the State Police - they will also follow up in a similar fashion.
shrimpman steve
07-13-2015, 08:10 PM
I did!!!
I can't blame you in the least!!
Capt Sal
07-13-2015, 08:43 PM
Instead of posting this here, you should notify Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook about what you witnessed and the apparent danger to your fares. Posting this here does little to no good, and I'm sure if you speak to the commanding officer they can locate the vessel and contact the captain and have a little discussion with him/her about safe boating practices.
Our CG guys do that down here REGULARLY and will follow up if a legit concern is voiced to them. This is their job and this is why the USCG and NJ State Police ENFORCE maritime safety rules!!
If not the USCG, contact the State Police - they will also follow up in a similar fashion.
Your opininion?????
07-14-2015, 07:25 AM
Please don't assume anything was or wasn't done.
I posted this to publicly shame the captain of "CAMMY'S DAD" and to alert the NJFishing community about this guy's reckless behavior, something a report to the authorities would not do. Thousands of people now know about this knucklehead and can keep an eye out if they see him. That is more than "little to nothing".
Not for nothing, you'd have to have the CG on speed dial to report all of the ridiculous activity on a nice summer weekend. You'd be calling 100 times a day just reporting the boats too close to Earle...
Reel Class
07-14-2015, 08:21 AM
Please don't assume anything was or wasn't done.
I posted this to publicly shame the captain of "CAMMY'S DAD" and to alert the NJFishing community about this guy's reckless behavior, something a report to the authorities would not do. Thousands of people now know about this knucklehead and can keep an eye out if they see him. That is more than "little to nothing".
Not for nothing, you'd have to have the CG on speed dial to report all of the ridiculous activity on a nice summer weekend. You'd be calling 100 times a day just reporting the boats too close to Earle...
Sounds good - just throwing in my $.02 :D
35.9 feet / 10.9 meters
Reel Class
07-14-2015, 09:57 AM
Please don't assume anything was or wasn't done.
I posted this to publicly shame the captain of "CAMMY'S DAD" and to alert the NJFishing community about this guy's reckless behavior, something a report to the authorities would not do. Thousands of people now know about this knucklehead and can keep an eye out if they see him. That is more than "little to nothing".
Not for nothing, you'd have to have the CG on speed dial to report all of the ridiculous activity on a nice summer weekend. You'd be calling 100 times a day just reporting the boats too close to Earle...
And BTW - nobody was making assumptions - I was going on WHAT YOU SAID IN YOUR ORIGINAL POST :)
Nice work by Capt Kevin for finding the guy and addressing it also, in person!
I did!!!
Curious. ..what was his response when confronted?
Unfortunately this irresponsible boating is not limited to weekend warriors. I've had well respected charter boats steam by me in Manasquan river at 30 kts, near dark, no lights on....the kind of boats that post on here and everyone responds with "great job, atta boy, way to go."
It's everywhere, especially at that MR RR bridge.
Capt. Debbie
07-14-2015, 10:17 AM
Your description sounded more like the Parmount added to the free for all.
It was horrible on Sunday when that bridge opened back up, but when the Paramount returned from their trip, captain blew his horn and steamed right through all of the idiots that were screwing around, was a good sight to see them all scatter to get out of his way.
07-14-2015, 11:24 AM
Right of way through the bridges is always a problem. The accepted "rule" for negotiating the MR RR bridge is that the boats navigating "with" the tide have the right of way. There is also some common sense involved in navigating because of the limited visibility caused by the tressel and the structure itself. It's hard to see to the other side. There is no traffic cop or stop light so unless captains observe the "right of way" based on the tide, it can be a free-for-all.
I like the way the bridge operators in the Shark River control the traffic through that area. It's pretty tight and can be a disaster without someone directing the boats through. A simple radio request from a captain with the boat's name and then a response from the operator indicating your place in line and when to proceed is something the MR RR bridge operator might be able to do once the span opens after a closure. Of course the yakkers compound the issue because they have no radiios for the most part.
I could go on about close calls with the kayaks and I'm sure many boaters could do the same thing. Yakkers in the fog, yakkers in inlets, yakkers without flags, yakkers with no lifejackets, yakkers in the troughs of steep waves, yakkers with no boating safety certificates. The same can be said about rental skiff operators.
The board members who fish from party or charter boats usually don't see
what's happening but for those of you who run your own boats, don't be afraid to get on the airhorn or loudspeaker to make your presence and opinions known.
07-14-2015, 12:56 PM
Right of way through the bridges is always a problem. The accepted "rule" for negotiating the MR RR bridge is that the boats navigating "with" the tide have the right of way. There is also some common sense involved in navigating because of the limited visibility caused by the tressel and the structure itself. It's hard to see to the other side. There is no traffic cop or stop light so unless captains observe the "right of way" based on the tide, it can be a free-for-all.
I like the way the bridge operators in the Shark River control the traffic through that area. It's pretty tight and can be a disaster without someone directing the boats through. A simple radio request from a captain with the boat's name and then a response from the operator indicating your place in line and when to proceed is something the MR RR bridge operator might be able to do once the span opens after a closure. Of course the yakkers compound the issue because they have no radiios for the most part.
I could go on about close calls with the kayaks and I'm sure many boaters could do the same thing. Yakkers in the fog, yakkers in inlets, yakkers without flags, yakkers with no lifejackets, yakkers in the troughs of steep waves, yakkers with no boating safety certificates. The same can be said about rental skiff operators.
The board members who fish from party or charter boats usually don't see
what's happening but for those of you who run your own boats, don't be afraid to get on the airhorn or loudspeaker to make your presence and opinions known.
Nicely said.....I couldn't agree more. Fortunately, I sold my boat before the yakkers became a problem, but always had to contend with the jet ski's and rentals. Monitoring VHF channel 13 was always a must when departing/entering SRI. The bridge captains were always helpful and kept an eye out for the larger vessels navigating through the bridges.
hammerin hank
07-14-2015, 01:34 PM
I kept my 25' Grady at Hoffmans for 8 years, my slip was second in from the end opposite the R.R, tracks, it was bad enough playing the current game to go back into my slip,the water rushes like the Colorado River , but on the weekends, it's CRAZY... When that R.R. Bridge goes down its demo derby time, but when it's up ,on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, boats comming in and going out,,,bedlam I've seen crashes, broken antennas, and outriggers, the worst cursing know to man,,,jet skis struck,,, un real. You could have sold tickets to that show,,,When those rich Wall Street dudes buy boats, all of us fishermen are in danger......
Gerry Zagorski
07-14-2015, 04:44 PM
Right of way through the bridges is always a problem. The accepted "rule" for negotiating the MR RR bridge is that the boats navigating "with" the tide have the right of way. There is also some common sense involved in navigating because of the limited visibility caused by the tressel and the structure itself. It's hard to see to the other side. There is no traffic cop or stop light so unless captains observe the "right of way" based on the tide, it can be a free-for-all.
I like the way the bridge operators in the Shark River control the traffic through that area. It's pretty tight and can be a disaster without someone directing the boats through. A simple radio request from a captain with the boat's name and then a response from the operator indicating your place in line and when to proceed is something the MR RR bridge operator might be able to do once the span opens after a closure. Of course the yakkers compound the issue because they have no radiios for the most part.
I could go on about close calls with the kayaks and I'm sure many boaters could do the same thing. Yakkers in the fog, yakkers in inlets, yakkers without flags, yakkers with no lifejackets, yakkers in the troughs of steep waves, yakkers with no boating safety certificates. The same can be said about rental skiff operators.
The board members who fish from party or charter boats usually don't see
what's happening but for those of you who run your own boats, don't be afraid to get on the airhorn or loudspeaker to make your presence and opinions known.
And the reason for the boats that are running with the current having the right of way is because you loose the ability to steer at slow speeds with the current at your back.
07-14-2015, 05:10 PM
And the reason for the boats that are running with the current having the right of way is because you loose the ability to steer at slow speeds with the current at your back.
Exactly and this becomes critical when maneuvering through narrow bridge spans, such as the RT71/Ocean Ave. bridges in SRI, railroad bridge in the MR.
07-17-2015, 10:06 AM
Unfortunately, i can't fish during the week because of my long commute to nyc for work. So i am stuck fishing on weekends, and i only have a kayak unless i go on my father's boat. Last weekend i went on the manasquan river for fluke (i usually go to shark river or RB, but was trying to mix it up) and the boat traffic was absolutely insane. On top of that, people were being absolute idiots with their big boats. I am out there in a little kayak (in a no wake zone) trying to stay out of everyone's way (which i was). However, people see me in the kayak and purposely speed up and go flying by me no farther than 5 feet away from my kayak which had their wake crashing over the side of my kayak and almost flipped me over. Not only did they do this on purpose, but they would look back and laugh after they did it. This happened three times last weekend before i got fed up and left. I will never go back to that river again, fishing sucked anyway. I'll stick to shark river and RB. Can't believe how irresponsible people are with their boats. All of the boats that gave me trouble were non-fishing boats. Just people cruising around with bikini chicks on their boats with beers in their hands.
07-17-2015, 12:24 PM
Your description sounded more like the Parmount added to the free for all.
Not at all, Francis slowly approached the mess of boats and alerted them to his presence and the morons acted accordingly, you can't add to the chaos with a boat that big and slow, Francis made his way through the herd in a safe and professional manner.
07-17-2015, 12:53 PM
Fish out of the Rumson Muni ramp and fish the hook area. Luckily semi-retired and can fish weekdays. Last year was fishing the tip of the hook and hear a load roar of engines and and huge sport fisherman rounds the tip full bore. The guy on the flying bridge waves to me as he goes by. I look over my shoulder and here comes this huge wake. I have 17' aluminum sea nymph center console with a 90 mariner. My eyes like bug out and we do a big up and over the wake. I say holy $%^%. So what was the wave like hey dude i'm gonna swamp ya. I know there are channels but like that close to shore do ya have to run wide open ? Anyway thats my 2 cents. Oh was also broadsided by a 24 ft sailboat in the Navasink by a couple under motor powere sitting back in the pulpit with no clear vision ahead. Had 3 small kids in the boat. Luckly but a huge dent in the aluminum hull and did not come up into the boat. Boat was totaled and this boat I have is the replacement. That was in 1985. The old boat was a durautic 16ft side console. Maybe a few of you remember Mac's up in Washington, NJ. Thats where I bought it. Most boating accidentstake place on clear days as was this one.
07-17-2015, 04:18 PM
07-18-2015, 06:30 AM
Hey Highhook94, Manasquan River can be chaos on weekend with yahoo's. This year so far has been a downer for Fluke in the river but I recommend you give it a shot again in the future. When you do, PM me, I will share some spots that will keep you well out of the yahoo's way even on a weekend.
07-18-2015, 08:45 AM
That's it! It was Rodney at the helm! 😝
07-18-2015, 02:24 PM
He had a fluke pic in the Fishing section of the AP on Friday.
07-18-2015, 02:37 PM
That's it! It was Rodney at the helm! 😝
"Hey, you scratched my anchor!"
07-20-2015, 06:59 AM
It's easy to grin
When your ship comes in
And you've got the stock market beat
But a man worthwhile
Is a man who can smile
When his shorts are too tight in the seat!
shrimpman steve
07-20-2015, 09:00 AM
It's easy to grin
When your ship comes in
And you've got the stock market beat
But a man worthwhile
Is a man who can smile
When his shorts are too tight in the seat!
Coglins law. Cocktails
CompTime Charters
07-20-2015, 06:39 PM
It is also fun to return from a days fishing and as you reach the manasquan coast guard station you must pull back on the throttle and come to a stop. There is no room to navigate thru the channel. Boats Everywhere!! Just give a small lane so we can return safely.
07-21-2015, 08:22 AM
This happens a lot too. We are returning from the morning trip along with 3 other 1\2 day party boats and as we come to the cut, 4 big boats in a row, some guy just has to get through immediately. So he blasts between us rather than wait 1 minute.
Deep C
07-21-2015, 10:21 PM
Ok... I'm sitting in Florida and was told to check this out. I'll preface what I have to say with I don't for a second doubt what the original poster described as what happened. I will however clarify something... I see the word "captain" used in conjunction with who was operating the boat that day. He is not the captain nor sole operator of that boat. He is the owner... For sharking and offshore tournaments I am that vessels master.
I'm 36 years licensed at the helm without a mishap of any kind. I've known the owner for close to 22 of those. I will say that he is one of the kindest, most generous, caring people I have had the fortune to run with over that time. No I'm not going to defend. I will offer a little insight, doesn't make what he did right but might give you a different look at what may be behind it.
He lost his son to an OD several years ago. It broke his heart and he crawled into his fishing world to escape the pain.
Now he's not ancient but certainly no spring chicken either. He's got physical issues and chemo as you might guess is nasty. Past the vomiting and hair loss and other stuff it affects ones ability to fully concentrate. Add on a little age and brain farts become more frequent. Maneuvers like described here aren't intentional on his part. Not some race to the dock. Not meant to be arrogant. Just lapses in good judgment. Again, doesn't make em right. Just what is behind it all.
I've talked to him, sometimes screamed, about this at some length. He knows what I'm getting at. It scares him but he knows... Hes afraid of losing what he loves, the only thing he has left. Kind of like taking the car keys from your parents it sucks. I have to make a living and that involves running boats in Florida, Bahamas and up there. I can't be there to tell him "No" all the time. I will be back up this next weekend and I'll bring a print out of this thread.
His plan is to upgrade to a Viking big enough that it warrants putting me on the helm pretty well full time and this might move that plan forward. Thanks for reading...
07-21-2015, 10:54 PM
He's got physical issues and chemo as you might guess is nasty. Past the vomiting and hair loss and other stuff it affects ones ability to fully concentrate. Add on a little age and brain farts become more frequent.
If he doesn't have the ability to concentrate he shouldn't be on the water at all. Especially with a 36 foot boat in weekend traffic.
07-22-2015, 03:14 AM
I have to agree, regardless what has happened in his past, it doesn't give him the right to put others in harms way, period! It's as though justifying a drunk driver's reckless behavior because something bad happened in his/her past, you're still behind the wheel of a potential killing machine when not handled responsibly.
07-22-2015, 05:29 AM
If the guy has troubles then he has my sympathy but, you know, that's life. Bad things happen.
There is absolutely no excuse for what he did and if he can't understand that his actions were extremely dangerous than he has no business operating that vessel. Period.
Capt. Debbie
07-22-2015, 11:31 AM
Hooked up sport fisherman at the tip of SH is an everyday thing. I've fished there for a 14 footer. You take your lumps. No one is going to slow down because you have a little boat.
One 40' Sport fish named Shark Byte cut through the fleet near Shrewsbury #1. The wake on that tub was 3.5 feet rolling 25-30 footers on both sides. I was amazed at his indifference watching this. Some boaters slow, but most don't - like that pr*ck on Shark Byte did a few years back. It happens. Carry 4 or 5 oz sinkers to get his attention.
And it will happen again.
QUOTE=catsmeow;412914]Fish out of the Rumson Muni ramp and fish the hook area. Luckily semi-retired and can fish weekdays. Last year was fishing the tip of the hook and hear a load roar of engines and and huge sport fisherman rounds the tip full bore. The guy on the flying bridge waves to me as he goes by. I look over my shoulder and here comes this huge wake. I have 17' aluminum sea nymph center console with a 90 mariner. My eyes like bug out and we do a big up and over the wake. I say holy $%^%. So what was the wave like hey dude i'm gonna swamp ya. I know there are channels but like that close to shore do ya have to run wide open ? Anyway thats my 2 cents. Oh was also broadsided by a 24 ft sailboat in the Navasink by a couple under motor powere sitting back in the pulpit with no clear vision ahead. Had 3 small kids in the boat. Luckly but a huge dent in the aluminum hull and did not come up into the boat. Boat was totaled and this boat I have is the replacement. That was in 1985. The old boat was a durautic 16ft side console. Maybe a few of you remember Mac's up in Washington, NJ. Thats where I bought it. Most boating accidentstake place on clear days as was this one.[/QUOTE]
Deep C
07-23-2015, 09:14 PM
If the guy has troubles then he has my sympathy but, you know, that's life. Bad things happen.
There is absolutely no excuse for what he did and if he can't understand that his actions were extremely dangerous than he has no business operating that vessel. Period.
I don't disagree that he shouldn't be operating a boat like that. Heck, maybe shouldn't be operating it at all. I went back and read your original post. You say high speed? Her port side turbo is out so 17 is about all she would give. Max wake speed? More likely than "high" speed. Still not defending as I have seen him get a little impatient before. Usually cause he's not feeling good and wants to get docked before getting sick. Still no excuse...
Had long talk with him today. Plan is to finish the turbo job, get the Viking and I'll take the wheel so this is no longer an issue...
shrimpman steve
07-24-2015, 12:24 PM
I feel bad for him. But time to take the keys:(
Treble Hook Jim
07-24-2015, 07:35 PM
He came between me and the shore in my 17' aluminum inside the tip of the hook last weekend at a high rate of speed throwing a large wake. There was no more than 30-40 yards between me and the shoreline. Next time he will get a large weight headed in his direction... It is inexcusable!
07-24-2015, 08:55 PM
That behavior is inexcusable ! If that happened to me, him and I would have a little "talk" at his dock.
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