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View Full Version : Big mohawk

Big Mohawk
07-12-2015, 09:11 PM
July 12, 2015

we had a good shot of fish first thing this morning,

with some really good size ones taken. We lost the

drift around 8am this morning, but we were able to get

in a few drifts before that happened. A bunch of guys had

their limits today, with several fish in the 8/9 lb range and

the pool winner tipping the scales at 10 pounds 14 ozs. There

was a good amount of short action thruout the day. We will be

leaving at 6am again tomorrow. Fyi... We have a private cahrter this

tuesday and this upcoming saturday. The schedule for the rest of

the week is: Wednesday and thursday 7am.

Friday, sunday and monday 6am.

Remember tuesday and saturday of this week we are chartered.

Sorry for any inconvience.