View Full Version : One nice keeper

Fish on
07-11-2015, 08:44 AM
Headed out early with my son and nephew to the hook area. A little snotty with heavy winds, got only one Fluke 28", a few dogs and fed some blues $30 in bucktails. What am I doing wrong ?

Joey Dah Fish
07-11-2015, 09:54 AM
If your fishing sticky stuff better use heavier line and leader if ur fishing braid

Fish on
07-11-2015, 10:59 AM
Thanks, we did just that, but to late, no more blues.

Gerry Zagorski
07-11-2015, 11:33 AM
Most catches or lack thereof aside from not fishing in a location where there are fish are driven by conditions. Not sure what your conditions were but the main reasons for not catching aside from location is the drift being too fast, too slow or worst case, in the opposite direction of the tide.

In general, you want to try and have your bait or bucktail moving the same direction and speed as the current. Fluke lay on the bottom pointed into the current looking for it to wash bait fish into them. If your bait is not moving in the same direction as the current your presentation is not natural and you might as well be sitting home of the couch.

As far as speed, if you are drifting 2 plus knots your moving too fast .5 knots or less too slow. If it's too slow you can cast your jig out and retrieve it to give it the movement you need or power drift bumping the engine in and out of gear. If too fast cast it out ahead of the direction of the drift and work it that way....

If the wind direction is against the tide you can try a drift sock to attempt to overcome the wind and get your boat drifting in the same direction of the current or you can try power drifting in the direction of the current to overcome the wind.

So, you either need to try and find a location where the wind is not going to drift your boat against the tide or cast, power drift or use a sock to try and overcome the wind and keep yourself moving in the same direction of the current.

Capt. Lou
07-11-2015, 02:11 PM
Drift socks R a must on a fluke boat , my boat weighed in a 9 tons & with the sock 2.5 drift reduced down to 1.9 or so now u can fish !
Also in sticky make sure ur jig is heavy enough to keep scope to minimum , more scope more snags!
Also football or ball heads seem to ride thru this stuff better . I never preferred big jigs so I would add weight above jig / teaser to keep me upright !
Many anglers feel the heavier jigs work fine but never produced much for me, in fact many of my bigger fluke R on the teaser w/ bait of choice .
Also with light braid u can fish smaller jigs in the deep & maintain decent scope !
When I fish em' like this no teaser added . Heavier braid only floats jig more , u always use top shot anyway , so lighter braid is definitely ny choice.
This applies to fishing bait as well .:cool:

Fish on
07-11-2015, 03:23 PM
Thanks guys, i'll give it a try.