View Full Version : Prowler5 - Fri., July 10th 3:30 to 9:00 Trip, 7.2 Pound Beauty

Prowler 5
07-10-2015, 08:38 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. We are out on our second trip of the day. Our 3:30 to 9:00 trip for twilight fluke. We're fishing the Navy Pier and caught some quality fish so far. Brianna Ford from Bethlehem, PA caught a nice 7.2 pound beauty but her father had to help hold it - she would not touch the fish. Thx., Capt. Scott

07-10-2015, 11:22 PM
Any porgies?

Prowler 5
07-11-2015, 08:41 AM
No we didn't try for them last night. We had a light crowd of 7 customers. We stayed at the Navy Pier all afternoon. But, definitely I will be flying out to the Tin Can Grounds this afternoon targeting the jumbo porgies along with the fluke. Plus, I have the fresh clams being delivered. Thx., Capt. Scott