Capt. JJ
07-05-2015, 08:30 PM
Got call yesterday evening from Capt. Jerry.
"Be at dock at 0-zero-dark-zero, tomorrow"
Me: "Why? Are we heading north like last week to Eastmans Bank to crush the whiting? Are we leaving extra early to troll up eyeballs at the Topographers canyon like we did last Sunday? Is this a repeat of last years tile, swordfish, Canadian Geese, and rubber duck trip?"
Jerry: "No. I just need you to bring extra coffees, smokes, and tylenol and I'll be recovering from July 4th party so you have to get to dock early with hangover supplies".
Thus started yet another adventure on the Monger today.
Along with Mrs. Capt. JJ, had an all star crew that consisted of: Rubber Band Pete, Dr. Bones, Capt. Bill "Flukinator" Kulka, Brad Paisely, and a host of newbies to the Monger world who do not yet have nicknames:
Ed (Bones and I call him the Egg Man)
Pete and Tammy
They do not get official Monger nicknames until they recite the secret Monger initiation pledge, or pay me $12.75 each so that I can dream them up.
Anyways....plan was to get quick limits of biscuits and some ding-a-lings before we took the newbies out for their first try at jigging.
Mission accomplished quickly.....everyone had their poles bent in minutes (except for Not-Rubberband Pete and Mrs. Capt. JJ, who lagged behind as the rest of us put keepers in the fish box. Eggman actually got the first doubleheader of keepers and enjoyed his initiation into salt water angling.
Capt. Bill put on his usual seminar for the rest of us, and after couple dozen ding-a-lings and biscuits it was time for, of course,: "the unexpected lunker fluke eating a tiny piece of salted clam on a sea bass rig", which Super Mate John watched sink into the depts as he held the invisible net with which he planned to scoop it up with.
Question: does a non-boated, but released-by-inaction-on-part-of-Super-Mate-John-who-was-holding-invisible-net fluke count to my daily total of keepers??????? If so I tied for high hook with Bradley and Bill. If not I am a failure.
(Let me guess....its the latter, not the former)
Anyways....30 seconds later Capt. Bill hooks another lunker fluke on a clam bait and, that, as they say, was IT for biscuits. It was time for jigging.
The newbies got into the spirit immediately.
Not-Rubberband Pete made up for lost time by nailing a quality flattie, and so did Mrs. Capt. JJ.....we never did get covered up but we did have a few flurries and quality fish outnumbered shorts by a vast majority. Courtney stayed at the rail FOREVER! This is an 11 year old with a serious future as a Monger Elite. In fact, the females of the species today did FANTASTIC...Tammy caught keepers of all targeted fish....Mrs. Capt. JJ did likewise, including a couple serious baseball bats, and NR Pete put a couple mini-doormats in the boat, but the highlight of the day was Dr. Bones taking a que from Capt. Bills silent ninja routine by surrepticiously battling his first ever doormat, only this time Super Mate John had a visible net and boated the pool winner!!!!!!
Personal bests for:
Not Rubberband Pete
Mrs. Capt. JJ
Dr. Bones
Full bags of filets for everyone.....Capt. Jerry stayed awake the entire time....and no spider crabs were harmed in the making of this trip!
(Note to Evan......if you read these, send me a text or call...I lost your number!!!!)
Tight Lines!
Capt. JJ
"Be at dock at 0-zero-dark-zero, tomorrow"
Me: "Why? Are we heading north like last week to Eastmans Bank to crush the whiting? Are we leaving extra early to troll up eyeballs at the Topographers canyon like we did last Sunday? Is this a repeat of last years tile, swordfish, Canadian Geese, and rubber duck trip?"
Jerry: "No. I just need you to bring extra coffees, smokes, and tylenol and I'll be recovering from July 4th party so you have to get to dock early with hangover supplies".
Thus started yet another adventure on the Monger today.
Along with Mrs. Capt. JJ, had an all star crew that consisted of: Rubber Band Pete, Dr. Bones, Capt. Bill "Flukinator" Kulka, Brad Paisely, and a host of newbies to the Monger world who do not yet have nicknames:
Ed (Bones and I call him the Egg Man)
Pete and Tammy
They do not get official Monger nicknames until they recite the secret Monger initiation pledge, or pay me $12.75 each so that I can dream them up.
Anyways....plan was to get quick limits of biscuits and some ding-a-lings before we took the newbies out for their first try at jigging.
Mission accomplished quickly.....everyone had their poles bent in minutes (except for Not-Rubberband Pete and Mrs. Capt. JJ, who lagged behind as the rest of us put keepers in the fish box. Eggman actually got the first doubleheader of keepers and enjoyed his initiation into salt water angling.
Capt. Bill put on his usual seminar for the rest of us, and after couple dozen ding-a-lings and biscuits it was time for, of course,: "the unexpected lunker fluke eating a tiny piece of salted clam on a sea bass rig", which Super Mate John watched sink into the depts as he held the invisible net with which he planned to scoop it up with.
Question: does a non-boated, but released-by-inaction-on-part-of-Super-Mate-John-who-was-holding-invisible-net fluke count to my daily total of keepers??????? If so I tied for high hook with Bradley and Bill. If not I am a failure.
(Let me guess....its the latter, not the former)
Anyways....30 seconds later Capt. Bill hooks another lunker fluke on a clam bait and, that, as they say, was IT for biscuits. It was time for jigging.
The newbies got into the spirit immediately.
Not-Rubberband Pete made up for lost time by nailing a quality flattie, and so did Mrs. Capt. JJ.....we never did get covered up but we did have a few flurries and quality fish outnumbered shorts by a vast majority. Courtney stayed at the rail FOREVER! This is an 11 year old with a serious future as a Monger Elite. In fact, the females of the species today did FANTASTIC...Tammy caught keepers of all targeted fish....Mrs. Capt. JJ did likewise, including a couple serious baseball bats, and NR Pete put a couple mini-doormats in the boat, but the highlight of the day was Dr. Bones taking a que from Capt. Bills silent ninja routine by surrepticiously battling his first ever doormat, only this time Super Mate John had a visible net and boated the pool winner!!!!!!
Personal bests for:
Not Rubberband Pete
Mrs. Capt. JJ
Dr. Bones
Full bags of filets for everyone.....Capt. Jerry stayed awake the entire time....and no spider crabs were harmed in the making of this trip!
(Note to Evan......if you read these, send me a text or call...I lost your number!!!!)
Tight Lines!
Capt. JJ