View Full Version : Party Boat Angler more BIG Fluke

captain george angler
07-05-2015, 06:34 PM
Overall fishing was slow today but we did have 5 fish over 6 pounds which would have taken the pool on a lot of boats. Pat (Duke of Fluke) Kosta from Boonton had an 8 1/4 pound to take the pool our 4th 8# pool fish in a row. I fished a lot of different areas looking for the mother load. A few fish every where and when we did catch the drift stopped and so did the catching. I did locate some nice fluke that i think I can work on tomorrow.

7:30 AM sailing tomorrow NO GALLEY.

Thanks Captain George Angler


07-05-2015, 08:35 PM
I am not going to sit here and say the same thing over from Fridays trip but it was just about the same without the wind and the drift was a little better today with less fish caught. Captain George went everywhere and anywhere trying to find some better fishing all day.

Brought the wife and she caught some fish but only shorts (besides me) the biggest going to 17 3/4 and she was pissed it had to go back. Only saving grace for myself was the fishing was slow overall, the weather was really nice and I really didnt piss her off to much today(dont worry I twisted her nibblets really bad last night-:D). The crew and people on the boat were great and she needed a ride home. I never tell her were I hide the keys until we are near the car and she is distracted so I make it home.

Thanks again to Capt. G - Supermates Big Gorski - AKA - My favorite Glumpkee and John

Personally Super Duper-El-O-Mucho Sucko Grande Today - only shorts today- :mad:

50/50 Bait/Bucktailing Today - Nuclear chicken Grubs and Minnows For the tails or Bait or Killies seem to do the trick from what saw - trust me it was everything I didnt use that caught em - :D

Be Well - Be Safe - Fish On


07-05-2015, 08:45 PM
Good job George getting your better half out on the Angler with 'ya :)