Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
07-02-2015, 02:48 PM
Today was a good news bad news today. The bad news is we didn't catch any sharks, Probably because we put in extra effort into wreck fishing. The Good news is that we had a banner catch up codfish and ling, And to CVS for each angle of epic proportion. Everyone had between five and eight codfish and a cooler full of big ling , codfish were mostly 3 to 5 pounds with the exception of one or two fish that were close to eight. Only you and Sea Bass were all jumbo fish, We finished deep enough where we didn't see large numbers of Sea Bass but the ones you for 40 2 1/2 to 3 pound fish which we kept our limit . John Kungl was the big cheese today Sporting and ultra modern electric grill catching no less than eight cod and filling a cooler with jumbo ling but the other manual Kranker's myself included did damn near as well. Our next open boat trip is Sunday, July 5 for codfish , ling and Sea Bass. Cool for information and reservations(pictures to follow)