View Full Version : 7/1 Sandy Hook surf report, Fish Monger largest fluke prize and some recent builds

Garone Custom Rods
07-02-2015, 01:46 PM
Hit the surf with my brother and girlfriend yesterday after work to try and get a keeper fluke out of the surf after 3 previous trips with only shorts to show for it. Got to the park around 6 and started fishing North Beach. On my third cast I was just about to lift the bucktail out of the water when I came tight on my first keeper of the year @19". As I am unhooking my fish I look and see my brother was pulling a nice keeper into the suds. Fish was a nice 22-24" fish from what I saw but it somehow regained it's freedom flopping around. We fished until about 8:15 with my brother having the hot hand today with 7 shorts 1 keeper and one lost keeper, I had just one keeper a short and a sea robin and the woman had one short. I can't wait for those birds to leave so access to the tip is open, North beach has been crowded with just a small area accessible. Great afternoon out and we got some fish to take home as a bonus.


I also wanted to share a promotion Captain Jerry from the Fish Monger II and I are doing a contest for the largest fluke caught on the Monger. Anyone who fishes on the Monger this year is automatically entered and the contest goes until the close of the season. The winner will get a custom 7' United Composites Challenger Elite deep water fluke rod.

I have a lot of new products including 3 new tilefish rods that will cover pretty much any deep drop situation you might encounter on the party boat. These also double as great tuna jig rods for the party boat. For you tuna guys I have some awesome troll/chunk rods for the private boats along with some great options for the party boat guys for both chunking and jigging. I will also be getting my first batch of Synit blanks in next week. These are the best jigging and popping blanks on the market and that is no BS!

Here are a few recent builds I have done. From mild to wild I do it all and they perform even better than they look.

Black Hole Challenger bank fluke/blackfish rods

United Composites CE 800 Wahoo for 2-4# tilefishing

United Composites UC 78H for 2-4 oz bucktails

United Composites US 80MAG for deep water bucktailing

United Composites US70H for Cod, stripers and light leader tuna

United Composites CE 700L for fluke, seabass and blackfish

United Composites US70LM for light fluke bucktailing

Kennedy Fisher rewrap done for tiles

United Composites US80Tilefish for tiles and tuna

Garone Custom Rods
07-02-2015, 02:00 PM
Standup tuna rods

United Composites US 76 Tilefish for 2-4#

Another Black Hole Challenger Bank for stripers, fluke and blackfish