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View Full Version : When The Wife Is Away…Play All Day & Night Too!

06-30-2015, 08:41 AM
With the wife away I took full advantage. I met Jerry at the boat and off we went in search of the flat ones. Decided to net some killies and happy we did. Morning was slow with only a couple of shorts and killies were outperforming gulp. The afternoon bite helped us land 5 keepers between the 2 of us.
Headed in around 3 and decided to hit the beach on the way home. Landed 1 more keeper and a couple of shorts.


Finally I fished and my partner was stuck at work :D The bucktail in the flukes mouth was to bust chops as most were called on killies. Teeth and how aggressive still amaze me.

Gerry Zagorski
06-30-2015, 02:42 PM

As soon as the wife makes her plans known and they don't involve me it's off to do some fishing... That is as long as my honey dos are done.