06-24-2015, 09:16 PM
Rumor has it that there was a good sized Thresher Shark caught somewhere off the beach possibly near Sandy Hook or maybe further south. All I know is that it was a long ride. Well that rumor would be true! Got to the dock to meet up with Mike Kolodziej at around 630 this morning to head out and look for some teeth……………………FINALLY!!! Made bait, gassed up and off we went. Got to the spot after a bumpy ride and set up shop. Mackeral and Fresh Bunker were the bait of the day. Set the chum slick and waited a short period of time to see some fresh bait in the slick, Mackeral!!! Set up the light rod with a special bait rig and bailed fresh Mackeral for a little bit. Filled up a 5 gallon bucket so there would be no shortage of bait or chum. So we take the closest rod to the boat and bait it up with one of these fresh little morsels, about 30 minutes or so pass and we're locked up with a fish that did NOT want to come up. Saw leader once in the first 15 minutes of the battle than the fish just disappeared into the depths for the next 2 hours. Its only myself and my buddy out there and this creature doesn't want to come up at all. I hand Mikey the rod and said you gotta get this beast up. My heart was pounding, adrenaline was flowing, all sweaty and hyper and going bananas wondering how the hell we would get this in the boat if we had to. Finally he gets the fish up, THRESHER, and a beautiful specimen at that. Took some time to get situated and get the fish on the back deck of Mikeys Topaz but a quick gaff to the head and a shotgun shell put this big girl to sleep. Tied em up and headed for the harbor to turn this fish into steaks for all to enjoy. Had to hack at her with the saw-zall and a couple different blades to get her into the pieces we desired. I ran to the truck to get my tape measure before the fillet/ steak party began and the fish measured 15 feet from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. This fish had alot of girth as well, way chubbier than myself or Mikey or anyone at the dock at the time. Fish is estimated to weigh 300-325 lbs and boy was she full of piss and vinegar. What a day! What a memory! I feel like I just got my ass kicked by a professional Hockey team! Was it worth it? OH HELL YESSSSSSS!!!! I'd do it again tomorrow without blinking if I had the opportunity and time. Tired now and I need a GIANT BEER! HUGE, HUGE THANKS to my good friend Mikey for getting me out there today. This is something I will never forget as long as I live! Another beautiful memory made. Oh and don't worry Mike, I knew it would happen today. I had a very vivid dream about this last night!!! Here's some pics guys and gals.