View Full Version : Safe to say the worst OCEAN spring Bass run in 15 yrs..

06-22-2015, 01:38 PM
This thread is intended.. for mature audiences...:D Please keep it clean and in the spirit of knowledge sharing.

NJ - State of the Bass Fishery - OCEAN report: My data is comprised of my own detailed log books.

My data supports:
- Second year cycle of a unsavory weather patterns
- South Swells / SE Swells - East Winds and South Winds were a recurring theme for most
- Spikes in water temp and cool flow bottom readings
- Bait / feed = later than usual, no real harassment from whales, or schooling dolphins, or bass for that matter
- Most charters started bottom fishing come early - Mid June
- Cool water up-welling - pushed the fish offshore compared to a similiar pattern last year except we had a better turn out of fish in the spring run. That has me scratching my chin on the bio-mass of the fishery.

Conclusion - second yr of a declining ocean run season. Weather patterns continue to plague the eastern seashore - 2 yrs running.

My data doesn't support nor negate the negative effect of prior years cull limits. While I support freedom of choice and to each it's own, I have the same line of thinking to the state of the fishery and the effects of consumption.

Would love for other to weigh in from their personal experience on there outlook of the ocean run in 2015

Sandy Hook to Seaside Heights landscape.


Gerry Zagorski
06-22-2015, 01:50 PM
It has been a tough Spring ocean side but the springs have not always been lights out fishing like we have seen over the past 4 or 5 years. I think that sort of fishing spoiled us. 10 years ago lots of people were putting in their time in the mornings and evenings. If you caught back then you were a hero and the talk of the dock.

Fish are being caught but it seems that you have to be exactly in the right place and at the exact right time when they decide to go off.

Most charter boats can't fish like that so if it does not happen for them first thing they are switching over to Sea Bass....

Capt. Lou
06-22-2015, 03:00 PM
I'll bet u get many reasons , probably only a handful that will mention any form of keeping spawners as part of blame .

I'm not against anyone keeping legal limits but it's gonna be a tough choice between those & C & R , probably be made for U .
This fishery was far to simple & so many inshore boats take advantage of it which is their right , I believe it's catching up to us .
Water temps may play a part but with the bait around I'm not into that theory !
Hope I'm way off base but I keep rem!embering tha 70's thru 80's some days u couldn't get a bass to save u soul!