View Full Version : FISH STIX - Reports Fluke/Stripers

Fish Stix
06-21-2015, 08:22 AM
Happy Fathers Day to those great dads out there!

Sorry for the lack of reports! Like I said in the last one, we have been going everyday the weather lets us.

The past week or so we have been starting out for bass then switching gears to fluke.

Quick Summary: 6/12 - 6/19

Friday 6/12 Saturday 6/13 Sunday 6/14 - looked for bass most of the time as that's what they wanted. Did some bottom fishing and caught some. Nothing great.

Monday we didn't see much. Cancelled am trip and fished pm with 3 man charter. The submarine cable guys. Pretty cool. One was here from England. Went right to flukes caught a few keepers and some shorts. Conditions tough.

We did get a real good shot of bigggg STRIPERS this past week. We did manage 4 fish on Tuesday to Bills PB at 47lbs 50". The bass were doing cartwheels it was incredible. The crew did struggle trying to hook them.

Wednesday was a tough day of Fluking. Caught some keepers SEABASS and a handful of keeper fluke once again.

Wednesday pm - the guys wanted bass. No bait around so the spoons went out. Got 5 bites and landed 2 to 44lbs.

Thursday no bass around once again. Crappy weather crap conditions. But we fluked. Again not catching too much. Lots of bites, just didn't get them on the hooks. Only a few keepers.

Friday the boys wanted bass. We gave it hell. Did get 2 bites that ran but just popped the bait off. Stuck with it for a while with nothing to show. Decided to go local Fluking. Lots of shorts, couple nice seabass and a half a doZen keepers with 6 & 7 lb flukes thrown in there. Called it an early day.

We did pass on going this weekend. We will see you Monday.

Sorry we haven't taken much for photos. I do have some, I'll get them up shortly. As you can tell, the fishing has been tough for us with all the time wasted looking for the Stripers. Pretty bad ratio..... Fluke soon!


Thanks Guys!

Capt Kris

06-21-2015, 08:51 AM
Happy Father's Day Kris!

I give you a lot of credit honoring your charters wishes to fish for stripers when they are few and far between. We marked them real good after we saw you the other morning but didn't have any livies at the time. Found the bunker then couldn't find the bass...go figure right.

Went fluking and had 6 keepers, a lot of real short flounder so it's only gonna improve from here on out.

Enjoy your Father's Day off w the family....

06-21-2015, 09:07 AM
Capt's Kris and Darren are #1 in my book. NO BS They give 110% to their customers :D