View Full Version : June 17th Striped bass and Fluke report 9.8 POUNDS - Johnny Bucktails

Johnny Bucktails
06-18-2015, 01:05 PM
Left the dock at 6:30 with my two buddies Jeff and Nick. Made bait in one throw and off we went. Bounced around a little bit and was only able to land one 23 pound bass out of a few other hits. Decided to switch over to fluking and i am glad we did. Within a few hours we were able to box 9 keeper fluke including my buddy nick's personal best fluke at 7 pounds and my biggest of the year at 9.8 pounds. Showed just over 10lbs on my boga when i caught her but turned out to be 9.8lbs when weighed in at the local tackle shop. To add to the mayhem we picked up another bass while drifting for fluke. Great day on the water, fluke season is in full swing.

Tight lines - Johnny Bucktails

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06-18-2015, 02:44 PM
As always, nice job Johnny!!!

06-18-2015, 06:38 PM
Beautiful clear pic of that bass...:D

06-18-2015, 09:30 PM
Nice trip Johnny
Way to put your boys on the meat. Nice to see the fluking is picking up with some nice fish. Will start fluking myself in NJ in July

Blackfish Doug
06-18-2015, 11:46 PM
Nice catch I'm glad to see the Fluking picking up. I guess I will be forced to Fluke fish the next few month's until the Sea Bass re opens.