Prowler 5
06-16-2015, 09:20 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I had the boat out Sunday, daytime fluking. Had a pretty nice crowd aboard. We had pretty decent fluking, a lot of short action. I didn't get a good drift in the morning like I did the morning before, but all in all a pretty decent day. Sorry, I had some nice pictures from Sunday's trip that I sent out into outer space!!!! But, we did get our biggest fluke of the season the day before (Sat.) it was an 8-1/2 lber caught by Matt Lubowiecki from Elmwood Park. I didn't bother to light up the last two days with this crappy weather, there was junk around for customers the last two days. Tomorrow, Wed., June 17th looks great so come on down we'll be sailing. P.S. I've been getting a lot of calls and emails about sailing the fireworks trip on July 4th. The answer is NO. I'll be doing a special fluke and porgies trip sailing 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on July 4th. I'll be running the trip myself. Hopefully the porgies come in to our area close to our dock like they did last summer. Thx., Capt. Scott