View Full Version : Blues Fluke not today !

Fish on
06-14-2015, 09:01 PM
Ok, we left our house at 5:30am it takes about an hour to get to Keyport. About 3/4 way there me and my son were talking about what we were going to use, when I realized I forgot the tackle in the garage. I thought about buying new stuff but I would have felt naked, sooooo we turned around went home, diden`t launch until about 8:30. Fished till 6:30pm and all we got was a 1 1/2lb Blue, 4 shorts and one keeper. Oh I almost forgot a Sea Robin and a Skate. I should have taken me forgetting our tackle as a bad omen. We still had fun, I love spending time with my boy, catching or not. One good thing happened, we were almost back to the dock when someone needed a tow. No problem, when we got them back they offered us money I said no but they insisted.So all not lost bought us some dinner, good thing cause if we had only to eat what we caught, we would go to bed hungry. Till next time, FISH ON.